Charlie Copeland is Disgusting

Filed in National by on September 3, 2019

I don’t do twitter, but I should. There is funny stuff out there like this “gala” for @Roger_Scrotum.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Alby says:

    D’ja ever notice that the people who like to boast about the greatness of western civilization show no evidence of it themselves?

    A bunch of pale-skinned schmoes basking in the glory of sharing a skin color with people who are better than them.

  2. El Somnambulo says:

    This Scruton is just the sort of dilletant-ish oddball that Copeland would take a shine to:

  3. RE Vanella says:

    The owl is on the hunt.
    The owl is on the hunt.
    For the farriers near Gramogue the weather forecast is slightly overcast until Monday 13:00.

    Left is best. Speak soon.

  4. jason330 says:

    Via Wikipedia:

    Scruton suggests that homosexuality can be considered a perversion, arguing that it differs from heterosexuality in a way that helps to explain that traditional judgment. He suggests that the “intentional content” of homosexual desire may differ from that of heterosexual desire in a way that justifies the conclusion that the former has “a distinct moral character” and potentially “diverges from the norm of interpersonal relations in the direction of obscenity.” He argues that heterosexuality, unlike homosexuality, involves dealing with the different and complementary nature of the opposite sex, and that such “opening of the self to the mystery of another gender” is a feature of sexual maturity. He believes that male and female homosexuality differ from each other significantly because of differences between the sexual dispositions of the two sexes: men are interested in immediate sexual excitement and prone to promiscuity, while women are interested in lasting partnerships and find sexual excitement “inseparable from the feeling of dependence”. He considers male, though not female, homosexuals prone to sexual promiscuity, and argues that this, combined with “the natural predatoriness of the male”, constitutes the danger inherent in male homosexuality. Though basing his conclusions about homosexuality partly on Greek art and literature, he dismisses the classicist Kenneth Dover’s Greek Homosexuality (1978) as “trivialising”. He suggests that it may be proper to regard homosexuality as obscene because, “In the heterosexual act, it might be said, I move out from my body towards the other, whose flesh is unknown to me; while in the homosexual act I remain locked within my body narcissistically contemplating in the other an excitement that is the mirror of my own.”

    You just know this guy has fucked dozens of alter boys.

  5. jason330 says:

    And this…ISI is a revolving door for American Nazis

    This guy John Elliot, for example, was a real pip:

    At ISI Elliot was director of leadership development.

    Elliott was among the most prolific and undoubtedly the most well-connected of the “Morning Hate” group. He had been running internship programs meant to prepare journalists for work in print, broadcasting, or investigative reporting for years at a variety of think tanks in Washington, D.C. and beyond.

    He then moved to the Charlemagne Institute. There, he started the institute’s Alcuin Fellowship—a 10-week program meant to prepare interns to rescue civilization from what it called the “postmodern, globalist, and even Cultural Marxist thought-leaders in control” of American society.

    Elliott used the “Morning Hate” thread as a forum for his most unvarnished bigotry. In numerous emails, he described people—including his former mentees—as “homos.”

    Elliott also frequently admiringly compared Trump to Hitler. I guess ISI is just like the rest of the GOP only more honest.