Conservative MP Phillip Lee has defected to the Liberal Democrats ahead of a showdown between Boris Johnson and Tory rebels over Brexit

Filed in National by on September 3, 2019

I’m not an expert but I think this pushes the chances of another British General election to 100%. Also, I’d love to see a little of this moxie in the American version of the British Nutzoid Party.

Conservative MP Phillip Lee has defected to the Liberal Democrats ahead of a showdown between Boris Johnson and Tory rebels over Brexit.

Dr Lee, the MP for Bracknell, took his seat on the opposition benches as the PM addressed the Commons.
His defection means Boris Johnson no longer has a working majority.

MPs hoping to pass legislation to block no deal have cleared the first hurdle after Speaker John Bercow granted them an emergency debate.

That debate could last up to three hours, followed by a vote. If the MPs win the vote – defeating the government – they will be able to take control of Commons business on Wednesday.

That will give them the chance to introduce a cross-party bill which would force the prime minister to ask for Brexit to be delayed until 31 January, unless MPs approve a new deal, or vote in favour of a no-deal exit, by 19 October.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. RE Vanella says:

    Lib Dems are recalcitrant centrists. They gotta support Labour immediately. But they won’t because, just like here, liberals are as afraid of the left as they are of corporate totalitarianism.

    • ben says:

      It’s all goin according to plan, innit?

      • RE Vanella says:

        Not really, no.

        Bozo the clown just did what was ostensibly his first campaign event in Wakefield. Bumbling remarks in front of uniformed cops. Neat.

        Keep in mind the Tory defector to Lib Dem, Phillip Lee, is a dirt bag. Terrible right wing politics.

        Looks like UK political bullshit will come to a head before our own personal disaster.

        Plus the cricket is also a disaster. Aussies making close to 500 first time round. England bowling has been very ordinary. Not good. #Ashes

  2. jason330 says:

    UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson just lost an important vote on Brexit in Parliament. No one knows what happens next, but everyone agrees it will be bad.

    Opponents of a no-deal Brexit are planning to introduce a new bill that orders “British Trump,” as Boris Johnson has recently been ridiculed, to seek an extension to the deadline for Brexit, rather than allowing the UK to leave the European Union without a deal. – via boing boing

  3. bamboozer says:

    Truly Boris Johnson is the British Trump, contrived hair and all.