Biden Gaffe Watch is Nauseating and Dumb

Filed in National by on September 4, 2019

As a Delawarean I am appalled by the coverage of the Joe Biden Campaign. Every two-bit reporter in the country is hanging around Biden like lazy clock-watchers just waiting for the less than bon mot to fall in their laps. It’s disgusting. It is as if being the reporter that catches Biden’s final foul ball gets a Pulitzer.

And, BTW, if Gaffe’s are such a great measure of mental health HOW THE FUCK IS TRUMP PRESIDENT?

No, it isn’t Biden’s gaffes reporters need to report on, it is his terrible politics. It is the fact that his racist tough on crime bullshit was a catastrophe. It is the fact that he was the one person in the Senate who could have called bullshit on Bush’s vanity war in Iraq, and he didn’t fucking do it.

Enough with the gaffe watch. There are plenty of non-gaffes that impugn his reputation.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Gobias says:

    I am loving the Delaware #brand #synergy that a guy named “Jason… Three…. Three…. Oh.” is defending Biden Three Oh Three Three Oh Three against accusations of his brain being jellied santorum. We can and should attack him on his terrible policy *and* the fact that he’s clearly not mentally well.

  2. Alby says:

    “If Gaffe’s are such a great measure of mental health HOW THE FUCK IS TRUMP PRESIDENT?”

    Wrong question. I’m not going to fight a guy with dementia by nominating another guy with dementia.