Biden’s Memory Is As Bad As Trump’s

Filed in National by on September 4, 2019

Fresh off a controversy about jumbling the details of a moving story about a war hero, Uncle Joe showed a more serious lapse yesterday, telling NPR that he came out against the Iraq War “immediately, that moment it started, I came out against the war at that moment.”

As NPR’s Asma Khalid pointed out, that’s just not true.

In multiple public remarks made after the invasion began in 2003, Biden openly supported the effort. Biden publicly said his vote was a mistake as early as 2005, but not immediately when the war began in 2003.

“Nine months ago, I voted with my colleagues to give the president of the United States of America the authority to use force, and I would vote that way again today,” Biden said in a speech at the Brookings Institution on July 31, 2003. “It was a right vote then, and it’ll be a correct vote today.”

As with Donald Trump, the biggest problem surrounding Biden’s untruthful statements is that he refuses to acknowledge them. He refused to concede getting anything wrong in the war hero kerfuffle, and he can probably be counted on to do the same thing with this — especially because polling has shown that his endorsement of that war is his biggest political liability.

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  1. jason330 says:

    Sickening. Biden had the stature in the Senate to put the brakes on (if not stop) Bush’s vanity war. if I knew the WMD intelligence was a bunch of horeshit, certianly Biden knew. But it looked like political suicide at the time to be against the war. Knwoing better, he voted for the war and continue to support it until 2005.

    The man who so wants to be President would have clobbered GWB if he had only voted his conscience instead of his ambition.

  2. bamboozer says:

    They’re all cowards at heart, in that way Trump fits right in and Joe is no different. Truth is he’s no liberal, Joe is a corporatist first and a Dem a distant second.

  3. Alby says:

    Ben Matthis-Lilly checks the timeline on when Biden actually started opposing the invasion, and shazam! It was shortly after W’s popularity tanked. He’s a weathervane.

    • jason330 says:

      “Underlying all of that is the absurdity, when two of the premises of your presidential campaign are that you have good foreign policy judgment and that you are an expert at working with Republicans in bipartisan good faith, of telling a story about how you made a disastrous foreign policy decision because a Republican took advantage of your naïve belief that he was working in bipartisan good faith.”


      • Alby says:

        If he’s really the best hope for defeating Trump, the country is already destroyed.

        • ben says:

          Biden is circling the drain. Bernie hasnt really done much of anything other than fail to demonstrate why he’s THAT different from Warren… an actual democrat with actual plans…. not just endgame scenarios with little road map of how to get there.

          It’s Warren, folks.
          The response to the “Pocahontas” shit is to call the person a confederate sister-fucker and move on. It is the one and only line of attack, and it’s a failure of one.
          Shit, even the “used to be a republican” smear is dispatched with by pointing out that once she got an education, she became NOT a Republican anymore.

          • Alby says:

            I believe the best way to counter the Pocahontas shit is to embrace it, turn it into an inside joke. Print “I’m With Pocahontas” bumper stickers and t-shirts. Play “Colors of the Wind” at rallies. It’s the only way to stop the media’s obsession with it.

            • ben says:

              eh, IDK about that. It reeks of Cultural Appropriation.
              Makes a very good opening for the russian trolls to lob off the reactionary morons that make up LeftBook.
              She could point out that it’s a settled matter. That many American families have histories that, until 23 and Me came along, they thought were true. I know so many fuckin white dudes that jabber on about being “1/8th Cherokee” …. Ok chaddington, maybe your great great great great great grandpappy raped some poor native girl and kept the baby or something, but that got dilluted out a long time ago.

              • Alby says:

                You’re overthinking it. Black people embraced their insult, gays embraced their insults. With her plan for helping out Native Americans, she could do it with their blessing and help raise awareness of those issues doing it. Win-win.

                BTW, please stop validating the mainstream media’s framing of these subjects. It makes you look gullible.

              • ben says:

                not gullible… just aware of how gullible half of everyone else is. I’m sure you haven’t forgotten about e-mail gate? Super predators?

                BTW, which words would those be that were embraced?

              • Alby says:

                Really? You don’t know? Gimme a break.

              • ben says:

                of course I know.
                But by your logic, Obama would have used one in his campaign or Buttigieg should use the other?
                It is YOU sir, who should be giving the breaks around here.
                She could… and will…. simply make sure helping Native Americans is a part of her plan and leave all the silly names to 45.

              • Alby says:

                Nice try, but the situations aren’t analogous. Trump’s insult was specific to Warren; the media is treating it as something she should be ashamed of. Rappers aren’t ashamed of their word, gay activists aren’t ashamed of theirs. To my knowledge there is no widespread fear of or hatred toward Native Americans as there is towards blacks and gays.

              • ben says:

                If you think there isnt wide-spread hatred toward Natives, you have clearly not been paying attention to…. i dunno.. American History.
                Playing to that* is a bad, racist idea. (im not calling YOU racist, im saying the idea carried out BY the campaign would be racist, chill)

                C’mon man. dont make this your Alabama Sharpie moment. There are so many other stupid hills.

              • Alby says:

                It’s an idea nobody will act on. Chill, for chissakes.

                History, schmistory. When’s the last time you heard someone insult a Native American? When’s the last time you heard Proud Boys types complain about them?

                I realize all you young’uns are prone to the infection, but this obsession with not offending anyone is a giant turnoff. Ask around.

              • ben says:

                When was the last time someone insulted Natives?
                The conditions they must endure are a continuing insult. But specifficlly, the MAGAT boys from Ky last year and the “president’s” ongoing mockry of Warren. Not to mention the insulting stripping of their voting rights in N dakota which likely cost Heitkamp the election. There was also the continued desecration of their lands for the purpose of destroying the planet on display at Standing Rock. Did you miss all that?
                The government is literally still breaking treaties and you’re coming up with fun ways for white people to appropriate insults at them as a way of….. owning…. trump? you’re right about one thing my dude, no one is likely to use that idea.

              • Alby says:

                Yeah, I said insult. “Fucking them over” is different. That never ends.

                You’re right about the Kentucky kids, and yes, I had forgotten about it, because believe it or not I don’t think it falls into the same category as Charlottesville. Your mileage obviously varies.

            • jason330 says:

              The Trump campaign is selling #MAGA sharpie pens

  4. At events in Texas before Shock and Awe I heard Biden, Hillary and Kerry all say they gave Bush the power to attack Iraq only on the assurance from that Cretin that he would first complete an exhaustive search for WMD’s……from his own lying lips. I challenged Kerry to his face on this crap in a living room gathering and he just avoided a response. I called it bullshit then as a Dem, Anti-War Vet Leader and I call it bullshit now. All they had to do was consult any Dem leader or operative in Texas that they were dealing with a liar who couldn’t ever be trusted as a man of his word. We knew him well as a really crappy Texas Governor for 8 years and they should have consulted us.
    The UN evidence that there were no WMD’s was already overwhelming. Biden is rewriting history and reflecting a very pro-militaristic Dem leaning up here in the First State that astonishes me.