DL Open Thread: Weds., Sept. 4, 2019

Filed in Featured by on September 4, 2019

Top Trump Interior Official Joins Company Planning To Drill In Alaska. Of course he promoted the policy of expanded oil-drilling in Alaska while with the Administration.  Engage in enough corruption, and each corrupt act seems less important on its own.

Britain’s Democracy Is Truly Screwed Up.  I’m no expert, but this guy seems to be.

Native Americans Fight Voter Suppression In North Carolina.  It could have a decisive impact in next week’s special congressional election. Speaking of North Carolina, Rethug gerrymander has been struck down. Big news.

Warren Adopts Inslee’s Climate Crisis Plan Into Her Platform.  Challenges other D candidates to do the same.

A Breakthrough In Post-Disaster Housing?  Quite possibly. A MacArthur Genius Grant awardee is making it work. Of course, the Feds have other ideas.

Speaker Pete Stands Up For Dogs. “They call me the panderer…”

What do you want to talk about?


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  1. Another Texas R Congressman To Retire:


    This is a ‘lean R’ district, meaning that it’s in play for the D’s.

    • Alby says:

      It went 60% for Romney, 55% for Trump, but it’s mostly rural. Includes Waco and College Station. Boundaries were redrawn in 2003 to unseat a conservative Democrat; took until 2010 to do it.