The Smoking Sharpie – Day 3

Filed in National by on September 6, 2019

“Who sharpied the poster?” Sharpie-gate! It may be just stupid enough for our shallow, idiotitic DC press corps to obssess over.

And when you add that to the fact that Trump is a fucking asshole who can’t back down on anything (because he thinks the whole shit-covered edifice will come crashing down if he admits one stupid thing). You get a media jackpot.

Here is Sean Hannity is full spaz-out mode:

SEAN HANNITY (HOST): Before we get to our guests, let me address one glaring example of fake news media bias. Pretty much every newsroom in America screwed this up and lied to you by accusing the president of lying. Now the president issued this Tweet – oh look at that, that’s from, I think, August 29th and 30th proving the president, what he said about the earlier models about Hurricane Dorian, that it might hit Alabama is true. But if you watch the media mob, you would think the president was lying, as they always do. Just another absurd example of Trump derangement syndrome. Take a look.

Well it’s right there. A lot of psychotic jackasses in the media mob. I’m sure we’ll get their apology, that will be forthcoming. Wish I had time to name every name.

This is Duncan Black:

Sharpie Man
It is impossible not to conclude that the sharpie man is Donald himself, because as much as the subliterate lickspittles who work for him are the worst that humanity has to offer, even they can’t have imagined that it would have been an acceptable thing to show to the press.

There’s dumb, and there’s thinking everybody else is dumb, and then there is… something is not right with that boy.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. bamboozer says:

    Yes friends, Sharpie Gate has legs and is an ongoing process. Seems with just a little Sharpie magic you can transform Trump failures and defeats into “winning”.

  2. mouse says:

    Wonder when we will get to infrastructure, debt, social security, medicare, healthcare, affordable education, environmental preservation and the like.

  3. Dave says:

    People keep telling me that they try to ignore what Trump says and focus on what he does (which they approve of). I keep explaining to them that half the job of the President is saying things, whether it is praise, condemnation, warning, comfort, et al. What a President says, can start or stop a war, move markets, create allies, move nations. Regardless of what he does, he is an abject failure in that half of his job.

    But I don’t blame Trump. He is what he is. The people I blame are those who put him in office either by their sin of commission or the sin of omission. The people cannot shed their culpability by claiming ignorance of what he is because his character and nature was long evident to any and all. So the people were either stupid or just didn’t care. So for all those responsible, j’accuse et condamne.

    • ben says:

      I blame them both. We need to hold old white men accountable for the pieces of shit they are and stop blaming only the people who “let” them be that way.

      They all belong in a goulash.

      • Alby says:

        A goulash? Is that spell correct in action, or are you going cannibal?

      • Dave says:

        Quit being an ageist. Old white men POS were once young white men POS. The only difference is the age. There are plenty of existing young white men POS to go around or do you think the Proud Boys were out marching using walkers?

        And quit giving the voters a pass. They didn’t “let” crap happen. They made it happen. They aren’t victims. they are the perps and I wish them everlasting ill.

  4. jason330 says:

    “…a White House official who spoke on the condition of anonymity…”


    It was Trump who used a black Sharpie to mark up an official National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration map, which he displayed during an Oval Office briefing on Wednesday, according to a White House official who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss internal deliberations.

    “No one else writes like that on a map with a black Sharpie,” the official said of the map, which added Alabama into the hurricane’s potential pathway inside the loop of the marker.