Delaware Liberal

Delaware Has a Lot to Fear From Elizabeth Warren

Maybe you saw the story about CNBC shouter Jim Cramer saying Wall Street was freaking out about the possibility of a President Elizabeth Warren, claiming he’s heard a lot of people saying “She’s got to be stopped.” According to this article previewing tonight’s debate, it’s not just Wall Street that should be worried. She’s got more than Joe Biden in her sights — and Delaware’s selfish, corporate-coddling policies are right there with him.

She’s gonna gitcha, Delaware!

The kind of structural changes to Wall Street that Warren envisions take aim at some of the pillars of Delaware’s symbiotic relationship with corporations. She wants to end shareholder primacy, which would take away one reason for businesses to incorporate here. She wants to force corporations to file for bankruptcy in the states where they’re actually domiciled instead of where they’re incorporated, which would be a major blow to a steady cash flow for the legal profession, Wilmington’s last major business. She wants to undo the bankruptcy law Biden helped pass, which would hurt the banks. If Delaware’s doing it, Elizabeth Warren wants to change it.

Is Biden — the guy who said truth is more important than facts, the guy who thinks he’s maybe in Vermont — really the guy Delaware wants defending its corporate policies to a national audience if Warren starts to grill him? I think not.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m with Warren on this. But when it finally happens, Delawareans will scream like stuck pigs at having to the state’s bills with tax revenue instead of the fees they get for allowing corporate irresponsibility.

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