Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Thurs., Sept. 12, 2019

Justify, 2018 Triple Crown Winner, Failed Drug Test Before The Derby.  It was quite the performance-enhancing drug. According to racing rules, he should not have been allowed to run, but everybody covered it up. Especially the California Racing Commission. I know we have some ‘improvers of the breed’ who take part here. What saieth thou?

Trump To Roll Back Protections On Wetlands And Headwaters.  You see, it was a rule adopted by Obama. Meaning it was ‘destructive and horrible’.

NC Rethugs Override Budget Veto While Most Members Are At 9-11 Ceremonies.  Even by criminal R standards, this one is especially egregious. The vote effectively cuts corporate taxes and cuts education spending.

How Screwed-Up Is Trump’s Policy With Iran?  Backwards reels the mind.

How The Bidens Hide Their Wealth From the Public.  Ever heard of ‘S corporations’? I hadn’t. But it’s how the Bidens conceal their sources of revenue from, well, everybody. No other D candidate has used them, not even Hillary.

What do you want to talk about?


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