DL Open Thread: Thurs., Sept. 12, 2019

Filed in Featured by on September 12, 2019

Justify, 2018 Triple Crown Winner, Failed Drug Test Before The Derby.  It was quite the performance-enhancing drug. According to racing rules, he should not have been allowed to run, but everybody covered it up. Especially the California Racing Commission. I know we have some ‘improvers of the breed’ who take part here. What saieth thou?

Trump To Roll Back Protections On Wetlands And Headwaters.  You see, it was a rule adopted by Obama. Meaning it was ‘destructive and horrible’.

NC Rethugs Override Budget Veto While Most Members Are At 9-11 Ceremonies.  Even by criminal R standards, this one is especially egregious. The vote effectively cuts corporate taxes and cuts education spending.

How Screwed-Up Is Trump’s Policy With Iran?  Backwards reels the mind.

How The Bidens Hide Their Wealth From the Public.  Ever heard of ‘S corporations’? I hadn’t. But it’s how the Bidens conceal their sources of revenue from, well, everybody. No other D candidate has used them, not even Hillary.

What do you want to talk about?


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  1. A NYC Judge Calls Cops Liars For Constantly Saying That They ‘Smelled An Odor Of Marijuana’:


    BTW, didja know that North Carolina has a law prohibiting stops and searches based solely on this police canard? I think Delaware should have a law like that.

  2. Arthur says:

    After all the deaths at santa anita i dont know how the CRC is still operating as is.

  3. Alby says:

    Here’s the key element in the story about Justify and his trainer, Bob Baffert:

    The chairman of the California Horse Racing Board, Chuck Winner, owns an interest in horses trained by Baffert.

    Can we say he ran a crooked mile and a quarter?

  4. RE Vanella says:

    DE Black Caucus DNC debate watch party tonight at Chelsea Tavern. It will be the very first remote recording of the Highlands Bunker podcast!

    Drop in for a beer. Meet Karl & me. Plus other local activists, candidates & politicians.


  5. Alby says:

    Pennsylvania shitbag Ed Rendell is out with a WaPo op-ed calling Elizabeth Warren a hypocrite because she is using money from her Senate account — which did include big-money donors — in her White House bid.

    Word is that Biden is going to attack her on this front as well. These people are just as Republican as the Republicans, because you’ll notice that both Rendell and Biden have managed to greatly enrich themselves while in “public service.”

    “Mainstream” Democrats are just as antithetical to progressive government as Republicans are. They just hide their racism better.

    • Ed Rendell, the Governor From Comcast who sold out his office for a spot on Eagles Post-Game Live? The party chair who told Al Gore to concede? That Ed Rendell?

      He is among the smarmiest of the smarmy. Carrying water for Joe Biden and his ‘S Corporation’. True to form.

  6. Eric says:

    NC Democrats were asleep at the wheel. Why did they think GOP could be trusted to keep their word? It’s shameful that they are playing the 9-11 card. All they needed to do was show up to work, and guard the hen house.

    Good explanation of why Dems keep losing the big fights: https://newrepublic.com/article/155024/north-carolina-sends-democrats-wake-up-call

  7. Alby says:

    Shameful that they’re telling the truth? “Playing” the 9/11 card? Big fight?

    I agree with the points, but not the framing you gave it.

    • jason330 says:

      The NC-GOP wasn’t engaged in normal shit-bagery. This was new level of complete & cosmic shitbaggery. They explicitly lied about the day’s voting.

      But yeah…There are no innocent Republicans. they must all be treated as shitbags at all times.

      • xyz says:

        No, the vote was on the calendar and no rules were broken.

        Democrats just didn’t bother showing up for work. Typical. Then whined about it. Even more typical.

        Listening to the Dem state representative shrieking about it was rich.

    • Eric says:

      From the Charlotte Observer: “The legislation at issue isn’t a bill of limited scope. It is the state budget. It is how North Carolina defines itself by the priorities it sets in spending. And it’s being held up by a dispute over a major issue that involves billions of federal dollars and ultimately affects everyone in the state, Medicaid expansion.” So yeah, it’s a big fight. https://www.charlotteobserver.com/opinion/article234966387.html

      The TNR article suggested that few Dems were actually atttending 9/11 commemorations at the time of the vote. The source is a tweet so I’ll withdraw that comment if it’s inaccurate.

      • Alby says:

        State party squabbles in distant states don’t qualify as a big fight to me, especially given that it still has to pass the Senate, so my mileage differs.

        They’re assholes, Eric. They did what assholes do — whatever it takes to win.

        It’s a lesson in the folly of bipartisanship. The Democrats apparently were told there would be no votes in the morning.

        I have mixed feelings about the Democrats’ reason, as I hate politicians putting on a show of patriotism for the cameras every 9/11, so in a sense they got what they deserved. I’m not going to dig into it, but it appears the Dems didn’t have the procedural acumen to delay a vote long enough to summon their colleagues to the state house. THAT is what’s on them.