Delaware Liberal

Some Random Dem Debate Thoughts & The Trump Beating Index

This is the first debate I watched from beginning to end.

– Castro and Klobi had good closing stories. Other than that, they were not impressive.
– Most were oddly deferential to Beto.
– Yang is hanging in.
– Bernie seemed older than ever. Can’t be Bernie (sadly)
– Mayor Pete is always solid.
– Harris had a lot of canned jibes. She can’t be so rehearsed vs Trump
– Can’t be Biden.
– Warren is warren. You either get her or don’t.
– Booker handles himself like a frontrunner.

Current Trump Beating Index
[1 means will certainly lose to Trump, 5 means will certainly beat Trump]

Booker 4 (+1)
Beto 4 (+1)
Harris 4 (n/c)
Warren 4 (n/c)
Biden 3 (-1)
Sanders 3 (-1)
Buttigiege 3 (n/c)
Castro 2 (n/c)
Klobuchar 2 (n/c)
Yang 2 (n/c)

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