Some Random Dem Debate Thoughts & The Trump Beating Index

Filed in National by on September 12, 2019

This is the first debate I watched from beginning to end.

– Castro and Klobi had good closing stories. Other than that, they were not impressive.
– Most were oddly deferential to Beto.
– Yang is hanging in.
– Bernie seemed older than ever. Can’t be Bernie (sadly)
– Mayor Pete is always solid.
– Harris had a lot of canned jibes. She can’t be so rehearsed vs Trump
– Can’t be Biden.
– Warren is warren. You either get her or don’t.
– Booker handles himself like a frontrunner.

Current Trump Beating Index
[1 means will certainly lose to Trump, 5 means will certainly beat Trump]

Booker 4 (+1)
Beto 4 (+1)
Harris 4 (n/c)
Warren 4 (n/c)
Biden 3 (-1)
Sanders 3 (-1)
Buttigiege 3 (n/c)
Castro 2 (n/c)
Klobuchar 2 (n/c)
Yang 2 (n/c)

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Ben says:

    I am loving Beto Flameout. It’s actually refreshing to have a dem who is just in it to troll the cons.

  2. jason330 says:

    Thinking more about Harris this morning.

    She knows that the Dem candidate isn’t going to beat Trump by being meaner than him, so she is working toward a smiling assassin approach. It isn’t ready for prime time yet because it relies on so many canned lines, but it is getting there.

  3. So, I make the mistake of turning on Morning Joe., Cory Booker is on. First question, I’m not making this up, is ‘What did you think about Castro’s attack on Biden?’

    Man, the flaming moderates are doing everything they can to prop up Poor Joe.

  4. Dave says:

    With exceptions, I thought they all presented themselves well. Obviously, not equally well, but well nonetheless. My governing thought was faced with the choice of any of them, would I have any qualms about voting for them. Generally the answer was no. My criteria, of course, is very much different than others because of my background I guess.

    When far right people tell me they ignore what Trump says and focus on what he does (which ain’t much, but they think it is something), I explain to them, that at least half of the President’s job is what he says. They call it the bully pulpit and it is heavily relied on in both our foreign relations and domestic affairs. So basically, I listened and watched the candidates for that quality.

    The two that I felt did not have a good night in that and other respects were Castro and Sanders. Maybe Castro didn’t get enough air time, but even when he did I wasn’t all that impressed. As far as Sanders goes, I think he came across as an angry old man who was yelling at the young whippersnappers trasping on his lawn. There were some reports that his voice was hoarse, but honestly I didn’t notice. What I did notice, and have noticed before, is his posture. Whenever I see him the thought pops into my head that he always seems hunched over and I yell at him to stand up straight.

    Warren, with Bernie’s agenda, could be winning combination. Harris seemed to wooden and once again, I like that mayor. I’m glad he is young and will be around a long time. He won’t get in this time, but if he stays the course, I believe his time will come in another decade.

  5. RE Vanella says:

    Volume & posture. Top of the checklist.

    • Dave says:

      No. Simply a recognition and understanding regarding how people make decisions, especially because of their implicit and explicit biases. Perhaps you believe that posture is less of discriminator in decision making. Regardless, neuroscientists have researched this area extensively and found that body language plays a significant role in the cognitive psychology behind decision-making. Politicians know this as well, which is why they rely heavily on photo ops, tv, and live appearances rather than radio to attract voters.

  6. RE Vanella says:

    I just thought of these comments again and laughed harder than the first time. Hehe. Science.

  7. El Somnambulo says:

    The press is judging Biden by the Reagan standard: ‘Pretty good for him.’