A looming onslaught of brutal distortive attacks – Biden can’t be the nominee

Filed in National by on September 13, 2019

Whoever the Democrats nominate, he/she better be an experienced litigator with a steel trap mind and the stamina of an Olympic marathoner.

It’s also whether Biden or indeed other Democrats are prepared for the massive onslaught of absolutely brutal and distortive attacks that Trump and his propaganda apparatus will wage on this particular front — attacks that you can be certain will include all sorts of shamelessly propagandistic media manipulation and outright disinformation tactics.

I’m not talking about electability I’m talking about endurance and mental acuity.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. All Seeing says:

    Here’s why Biden won’t even make it past South Carolina = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=22aH9OeE_X8