Delaware Stonewall has a chance to redeem itself. Will it?

Filed in National by on September 13, 2019

Delaware Stonewall became a PAC when the clock struck midnight one night. In so doing, it transferred money that had been donated to support Democratic candidates from one non-profit to another. It was all in order to give money to a Mike Ramone, a Republican and ardent Trump supporter. It was that support that allowed Ramone to defeat Democrat, Stephanie Barry by 400 votes. Money given in good faith to Delaware Stonewall Democrats was used to support Trump.

It was all very infuriating. The flimsiness of the pretext for the betrayal of donors (that the organization was bound “by rules” and had no choice but to support Ramone regardless of the fact that he is a Trump supporter) didn’t/doesn’t pass the smell test. It requires you to believe that Stonewall has no discretion and as at the mercy of its own rules. How would “the rules” be interpreted if it was discovered that Ramone was a rapist? Would Delaware Stonewall’s still endorse Ramone because their hands were tied by rules of their own making? Of course not.

Nevertheless, life goes on. Mitch Crane, the mouthpiece for Delaware Stonewall (no longer) Democrats claims to be an old school social justice/civil rights Democrat. It is hard to see how that squares with the actions of Delaware Stonewall PAC to date. But now we are getting ready for another election and Delaware Stonewall PAC has made a big deal out of endorsing Sarah McBride. Of that endorsement Peter Schott said in a statement no doubt drafted by Crane, “(McBride) shares the values of people living in the district, and has demonstrated through her work and passion an interest in assuring everyone is treated equally.”

How would that sentence work if applied to another endorsement of Ramone?

“Mike Ramone doesn’t share the values of people living in the district, and his continuing support for Trump does not demonstrate even a mild interest in assuring everyone is treated equally…. but we are endorsing him again anyway because I like being invited to the right cocktail parties” Schott Said.

It simply doesn’t work. Endorsing a Trump enabler like Ramone is an endorsement of Donald Trump. Delaware Stonewall can fix this shit, and it needs to fix this shit in this cycle.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Paul says:

    More woes for Sussex County Democrats.

  2. Valentine says:

    This is so outrageous, sad, and hard to believe. Plus it’s shortsighted. I mean, there goes the donor base. What Dem in their right mind would donate to an organization that helps Republicans defeat Democrats, especially in the Age of Trump? Don’t they understand that the GOP is the base for anti-gay politics? Have they lost their minds? And those two were always such staunch Democrats. SMH

  3. jason330 says:

    Someone asked me if I know for a fact that Mike Ramone supports Trump. The answer is yes.

    There are no innocent Republicans.