DL Open Thread Friday the 13th Edition

Filed in National by on September 13, 2019

Beto O’Rourke caused a stir at the Democratic debate by saying “Hell yes, we’re gonna take your AR-15” in describing his call for a buy-back program. A Republican state lawmaker in Texas responded by tweet,“my AR is ready for you, Robert Francis.” O’Rourke’s response: “This is a death threat, Representative. Clearly, you shouldn’t own an AR-15—and neither should anyone else.” Here’s a question to ponder: Do gun owners have violent thoughts because they own guns, or do they own guns because they have violent thoughts?

This is an insult to rats

Trump visited rat-infested Baltimore to address Congressional Republicans, who loved his “speech,” such as it was. Protesters greeted him with a giant inflatable rat.

You’d think something named the Progressive Policy Institute would be, y’know, in favor of progressive policies. Sadly, no. It takes a centrist Democrat approach to climate policy, perhaps because Exxon-Mobil has spread its cash around. It’s still funding climate denialism, but now it’s hedging its bets by influencing centrist Dems too.

Short list today because most of the chattering class is talking about last night’s debate. Add anything interesting in the comments.

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  1. Jason330 says:

    I love Beto’s “Hell yes, we’re gonna take your AR-15” If nothing else it is a sign that Democrats are beginning to understand the Overton window.

    If Biden, for example, tried to say that same thing he’d start off by reading a long preamble of exceptions and provisos.

    • bamboozer says:

      Loved the “Hell yes” comment as well, it’s the tough talk that we need to get anything done about guns, and it’s a good example of the fighting spirit we’d like to see from the Dems. Beto knows he’s in trouble, hence the comment, hope we hear more of it from him. As noted you will never hear anything like that from old man Biden.

  2. Alby says:

    Authorities threw the pamphlet at actress Felicity Huffman, giving her a 14-day sentence for her part in the college admissions scandal.


  3. Dave says:

    Huffman was guilty of using connections and grease to gain an advantage for her child. This is no different than the parents who provide something of value to those who decide whether or not the child is accepted into preschool, middle school and so one. It’s how Trump got into Wharton, unless one believes it was based on his intellect. Bill Gates’ daughter got into Stanford. Strictly on merit? If you put your name on a new wing of the arts and sciences building and your child gets accepted to the same school, no connection?

    If Huffman contributed directly to the school, there would have been no problem. It’s not what she did. It’s how she did it. There will never be a true human egalitarian
    society, because well, humans. The charade that passes for equal access and merit must be maintained for society to function, even though everyone knows that money and position buys access. You can’t fix this, because you can’t fix humans. Remember, all that is wrong in the world is connected to humanity. If you want to save the world, get rid of us.