The Brewing Biden-Trump Bum Fight

Filed in National by on September 13, 2019

At this point my problems with Joe Biden’s policy preferences are taking a back seat to worries about his slipping mental acuity. I’m starting to think a debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump is going to play out like a bumfight. Everything could hinge on which one can pass the dementia test — moderators read them a list of three objects at the beginning, and the audience holds its breath to see if either can remember all three at the end.

It’s almost as if Democrats are saying, “You want a senile old white guy? We’ve got a senile old white guy who’s lots better than their senile old white guy! Our senile old white guy lets the kids play on his lawn!” Color me skeptical, but I don’t think that’s the best approach to this election.

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  1. Jason330 says:

    “You want a senile old white guy? We’ve got a senile old white guy who’s lots better than their senile old white guy! Our senile old white guy lets the kids play on his lawn!”

    100% true. Always the Dems strategy of choice. Whatever you’ve got, we can match it, plus we like the gays.

    “You want tax cuts? We’ve got tax cuts. You want a pointless war? We’ll vote for that.”