DL Open Thread Sunday 9/15

Filed in National by on September 15, 2019

The New York Times published a long story about Deborah Ramirez’ experience with Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s during his time at Yale and found that yes, actually, it was the talk of the freshman class and his literal dick-swinging happened on at least one other occasion. Liberals, however, care less about that than they do about the newspaper’s since-deleted tweet promoting the story, which began, “Having a penis thrust in your face at a drunken dorm party may seem like harmless fun,” a construction that indicated its author has warped definitions for the words “harmless” and “fun.” Trump responded to the story in stable genius fashion, rage-tweeting that Kavanaugh “should start suing people for liable, or the Justice Department should come to his rescue.” Easy-to-reach conclusion: The wrong people are being kept in cages.

Houthi rebels in Yemen took credit yesterday for coordinated drone attacks on Saudi Arabian petroleum facilities, knocking out half of the country’s production, or five percent of the world supply. Bird-brained hawk Mike Pompeo, who occupies the office of Secretary of State but has no idea of how to do the job, promptly blamed Iran and acted offended that a country targeted by the U.S. and its foul ally Saudi Arabia would dare fight back not by killing people but by going after The Economy, the name Mammon goes by these days.

Larry Sullivan, who modernized Delaware’s office of the public defender and served as its chief for more than 20 years, died Thursday. Though he was a Republican, Sullivan was good friends with Democrats Joe Biden and Tom Gordon.

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  1. Dana Garrett says:

    I want to talk about Eric Holder’s comments about NOT prosecuting Trump after he leaves office because of the impact it will have on the nation and how many MSNBC pundits chimed in about how a Trump prosecution would not allow America to heal from the Trump presidency. I predicted this outcome months ago and I wanted to be wrong. If the Democrats let Trump walk, then they will show themselves unfit to govern in a nation that is supposed to esteem equal treatment under the law.

    • Nancy Willing says:

      agreed. Although my take on Holder’s statement was that he is calling for immediate impeachment proceedings to avoid the latter. I can’t find his tweet now to relook at it.

  2. Lurker says:

    Why are we still talking about Kavanaugh. He’s on the court because the gop stands by their own not al Frankens them like us.

    Plus it’s a distraction. You do realize Democrat’s like Claire mccaskil lost because we had to be talking about high school year books?

    • ben says:

      we are talking about Blackout Bret because the Chosen One squashed the investigation to get his lackey on the court for when he contests his electoral loss.

  3. Jason330 says:

    I wonder is this new news about Kavanaugh is going provoke some self-examination and make him a better, more empathetic, thoughtful judge?

    Just kidding.

  4. RE Vanella says:

    Viola’s replacement has officially announced. (Full disclosure: Highlands Bunker super producer Karl Stomberg will be running her campaign. Yes, the same Karl who was Laura Sturgeon’s field/volunteer chief).



  5. Brian says:

    Is this even new news?? I read it was raised during his confirmation but the FBI didn’t pursue it due to a lack of credibility.