Bloodthirsty Coons Spoiling for War With Iran?

Filed in National by on September 16, 2019

The Senate’s most despicable lackey for the Likud Party goes on Fox News to lay the intellectual groundwork for war with Iran.

Sen. Chris Coons (D-Del.) among those who might support military action against Iran if intelligence determines Tehran was indeed behind the weekend attacks on major Saudi oil facilities.

Coons, appearing Monday on Fox & Friends, told host Brian Kilmeade that if intelligence supports claims that Tehran, rather than Yemen’s Houthi rebels, were behind the strikes, “this may well be the thing that calls for military action against Iran.” The Houthis, who are backed by Tehran in Yemen’s civil war, claimed responsibility for the drone attacks, but Coons said it “seems credible” that the rebel group does not employ the advanced weaponry used against the facilities. Of course, the U.S. already believes Iran supplies the Houthis with arms and training, so it is likely Washington will consider Tehran responsible, whether directly or indirectly.

Regardless, this may be the final straw for Coon.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. jason330 says:

    To underscore how heinous this whole interaction is, Brian Kilmeade thanks Coons at the end of the segment for demostrating how war with Iran can “unite” Democrats and Republicans.

    Huzzah!!! Hurray for bipartisanship!!

  2. Alby says:

    It’s Trump’s last card. Americans usually don’t vote against a president in wartime.

    • Mike Dinsmore says:

      Hi, Alby,

      Am I correct in inferring that the drone strike may have been initiated by the U.S. in order to provide an excuse for starting a war with Iran?

      Or as John McCain sang in 2007, to the tune of the Beach Boys’ “Barbara Ann,” “Bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran.”

      • jason330 says:

        While I wouldn’t put anything past this admistration, does the CIA (or Mossad) really have that capacity? And are there enough Trump loyalist in the CIA (or Mossad) to pull it off?

        • Dana says:

          Even if we did have this capacity, and enough “Trump loyalist(s)” in CIA or Mossad to pull this off, that’s the kind of thing which would never stay secret.

          Besides, oil prices had been steadily declining; the last thing that President Trump wants right now is a spike in gasoline prices, which curtailing Saudi Arabia’s productive capacities will cause.

          • jason330 says:

            Sorties over Tehran trumps oil spikes.

            Trump may not be behind this, but Alby is right. We will have the war for glorious national bipartisanship unity that Chris Coons has such a raging boner for.

      • Alby says:

        I would say probably not. Iran was behind this no matter who actually launched the attack, and it’s an interesting move on the chessboard.

        Nobody was hurt in the attack; it was launched at the Saudis’ economic infrastructure, not its military. In diplomatic terms, it poses an interesting question — can an attack with no human victims serve as a viable casus belli?

        I think launching an attack to protect The Economy would move us a step closer to acknowledging the truth about our imperial project, even as it continues to fall apart.

  3. Alby says:

    And it was just this morning that Coons was getting some sort of credit for having told the FBI almost a year ago about the “new” allegations reported in the New York Times story.

  4. El Somnambulo says:


    It’s not as if any president has ever lied to get us into a war before.

    Oh wait…

  5. jason330 says:

    When he does these appearances he should have to disclose his connections with the Likud Party.