Madinah Wilson-Anton is a Democrat running for state representative in the 26th RD

Filed in National by on September 16, 2019

Viola to face a primary unless he steps down.

I’m running for office because the system is broken, and we need to fix it. Our education system is unfair, and too many of us cannot afford the rising costs of housing and healthcare. It’s time to make the system work for US. Go to to get involved! #netDE

Wilson-Anton is a legit challenger who has already built support outside of, and within the Democratic Party.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (32)

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  1. El Somnambulo says:

    What a step up she would be. I’ve been hoping for such a challenger.

  2. RE Vanella says:

    Folks, if you’re interested and/or you live in RD26 come out to the campaign kickoff community party this Sunday 9/22 at Weiss Park in Salem Woods. It’s 1-3pm and there will be games for kids, food, face painting, henna, etc.

    I’ll make personal introductions if you like.

    All haggard legacy reps & state senators, those on little vanity projects & status quo power trips, those who fight for photo ops, y’all are on notice. We may not get every last one this spin, but rest assured, we’ll get you.

  3. Annoymous says:

    What’s the beef with viola? I’m not being snarky just curious? Voting record issues? Constituent work lacking?

    Or is it just a “look how woke we are” type of thing

    • Alby says:

      He’s a useless, bump-on-a-log back bencher who adds nothing to the General Assembly. Is that not a good enough reason?

      • El Somnambulo says:

        Plus, he got a ‘job’ in labor law enforcement which, under his ‘boss’ Tiny Tony Deluca, was the definition of a do-nothing job.

        • RE Vanella says:

          Politics ain’t about personal beefs. It has zero to do with being woke. You’re extremely confused. Think on it a little harder. Listen to your friend Alby & El Som.

        • Bane says:

          But El, neither Viola or Tiny Tony work in labor law enforcement anymore. Should we still punish him for that brief moment in time where there was some overlap? Can we let bygones be bygones? The legislature and the courts didn’t care, why should we?


  4. Some Old Dude says:

    I’ve met Madinah

    She seems like a nice person but she’s extremely young. There seems to be a trend lately of a lot a young people aspiring to higher office in Delaware. Sarah McBride isn’t 30 yet, neither is Madinah. We have people in the Senate and the damn cabinet who are barely 35. It may be nice, but I’m not sure if its wise.

    • Alby says:

      Gotta be better than leaving the old and corrupt in place longer.

      • jason330 says:

        The leadership of the Democratic Party is not the Democratic Party.

        Madinah Wilson-Anton, Sarah McBride, and people like them who have heard the call and are turning out each day to mount the barricades are the Democratic Party. Voters, for once, will have clear choices in November.

        The old Democratic battle cry of “Vote for us because we are slightly less bad than the Republicans!” is being left in the dustbin of history.

      • RE Vanella says:


    • Liz says:

      1) It’s a national trend, not just Delaware.
      2) Age doesn’t necessarily equal life experience.
      3) Joe Biden was not even thirty when he was elected to the UNITED STATES Senate. That’s “higher office,” not the state house or senate.

      There didn’t seem to be this pearl clutching when young white men were running and winning.

    • Mid age dude says:

      I agree in part disagree in part on the age thing. I think there are 5 announced candidates under 35 that I have seen and totally may of missed someone. Gay, Caneco, James, McBride, Madinah. I think it depends on who you are taking about.

      People like Gay and Caneco are kind of already established adults. Both are parents, raising a family etc. Caneco been to war and back. Enough said. They are not kids

      McBride is a younger but not real young. Plus she’s traveled the country and done some stuff. My only concern with her is I hate candidates whose whole resume is politics.

      Madinah and Keith James are kids in my eyes. I don’t mean it in a bad way but there is a to young element where you simply don’t and can’t understand what a lot of people are going Through. Then again it’s a free country and they have every right to run. I wish them all luck. They all seem talented to me. I just think some are greener then others.

      • Sad Boomer says:

        I think that’s unfair. Madinah was a legislative fellow, so she already worked in Dover and has more experience than most people running. I don’t think we should write off the experiences of young people…they are the ones taking action on gun reform, climate change, and healthcare where older generations made a mess of it. They are the ones who grew up with underfunded schools, student loan debt, and the unaddressed legacy of racism. I think candidates like Madinah are the future and I’m very excited for it!

  5. Phillip says:

    Madinah is smart, collaborative, energetic, brave, and forward-thinking. We need the Democratic Party to leave its old-boy, corporate-appeasing ways behind. The future is happening, and Madinah will help get us there.

  6. Wallflower says:

    Looks like a good candidate. The hate for Christina and CSW angle is a mess, though. She needs to clean that shit up stat. Tired of all the Christina derangement syndrome from electeds and candidates running for office. Who’s advising her on Ed policy? Atnre Alleyne?

    • jason330 says:

      I didn’t get hate for CSD.

      • Wallflower says:

        Using her story of bad Christina schools and being “saved” by the exclusive and discriminatory Charter School of Wilmington is not a story that she should be amplifying.

      • RE Vanella says:

        Someone is so sensitive he sees what isn’t there. I understand the sensitivity honestly. But with due respect, you’re missing a trick.

        Watch it again. Think about again. You’re inferring a story that isn’t there. Here’s a hint. It’s not a salvation story.

  7. Wallflower says:

    The story is there. The narrative on Christina is now a decade old and she’s feeding into it. As a teacher in the district AND a resident of the 26th, I don’t want this coming from someone who could potentially take out a useless fool like Viola.

    Again, I ask, who is advising her campaign on education policy? Atnre Alleyne? Other than that, it looks nice.

    Let’s not forget; even the best progressives often make public education their whipping post. It seems to be the one big topic that has divided democrats over the last decade.

    • Karl says:

      Speaking as someone who is advising her campaign (I’m Karl, her campaign manager, nice to meet you), I can assure you that’s not what’s going on here. Unfortunately, her experience that she is talking about here is not uncommon, and I think you’d be hard-pressed to find a large group that would say that Christina is doing great right now.

      But a lot of corporate Dems and Republicans will use that as an excuse to bash teachers or drain resources out of the public schools to fund charters. That is not what Madinah is doing. We’re gonna be expanding more on this later, but if you go to our platform at you can see that the solution is not privatizing our school system or punishing teachers, it’s making sure they actually have the resources that they need. This means a funding system that actually gives low-income students, English language learners, and disabled students the funds they deserve instead of treating everyone like they have the same exact needs.

      We have no intention on talking to Atnre for education policy lol

    • Ashley Sabo says:

      Wallflower, are you in the 26th district or the 13th? Because this thread you say you are in RD 13:

  8. RE Vanella says:

    Ok. You already have the defensiveness and the conspiracy theory. Cool, bro.

    • Jordyn says:

      Very curious how Wallflower was supposedly in the 13th RD meeting when the illegal endorsement against myself occurred, and also a resident of the 26th?? Or are they just a fraud. I have the attendance records, so please do go on.

      • El Somnambulo says:

        Jordyn: There’s a state senate seat just begging for a D of your caliber.

        OK, i’m doing the begging…

  9. RE Vanella says:

    You know l’m feeling especially giving tonight. I give and I give.

    While Madinah went to Gauger for high school “her parents were faced with a difficult choice.”

    Why does she say it was difficult? (She say why and frames the context.)

    Who is responsible for this? (She mentions this next!)

    Not a salvation story. With all due respect to an educator watch it again. Listen very carefully.

  10. Bane says:


    The Christina School District treats it’s city schools like trash. Those buildings have been falling apart for the last 20yrs and nobody in that administration seems to care. If some people used the same level energy defending city children from Christina’s rat traps as they do defending the institution itself, maybe kids could go to schools without rodent shit and crumbling stairs. Or maybe you just forgot that Christina had schools outside of Newark/Bear, which seems to be the trend in that district.