Delaware Liberal

Corey Lewandoski Hearing Reveals Dems Impeachment Problems

We now live in the age of Executive Privlidge. Anyone President Trump has ever spoken to is covered.

Mr. Lewandowski, please answer the question.


Thank you for your time and service, Mr. Lewandowski.

This Dkos coverage of the House Judiciary Committee questioning of Lewandoski is brutal. Democrats frankly suck at owning Republicans (even when the majority, all the facts and the truth is on their side), whereas Republicans have perfected owning congressional Democrats.

But the first two hours of the hearing showed that Lewandowski was going to give no cooperation, that Republicans on the committee were going to do everything possible to derail the proceedings, and that, for any impeachment inquiry to move forward, committee Chair Jerry Nadler is going to need to adopt a much tougher attitude toward uncooperative witnesses./blockquote>

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