DL Open Thread Tuesday 9/17

Filed in International, National, Open Thread by on September 17, 2019

Think the Cold War ended? Think again. Russian codebreakers reportedly hacked into the FBI’s comm systems and interfered with the agency’s tracking ability.

Nearly 50,000 General Motors workers are out on a strike that pundits say neither side can really afford, which probably means each side will wait endlessly for the other to cave.

House Democrats better start packing up their offices. The House GOP gathered to set its strategy for appealing to 2020 voters. Top of the list, no irony intended: Debt reduction. Also, too, repealing Obamacare.

In North Carolina, the Hog Sewage State, Republicans are drawing new congressional maps to replace the ones tossed out by the courts, but they just can’t change their down-home cheatin’ ways. Cameras caught a Republican state senator changing the proposed map to benefit himself. In a shocking move he quickly announced he’ll retire, indicating he might actually feel shame. Or maybe he’s just upset that his little trick didn’t stick.

I’ll rely on our Sussex readers to determine whether this new set of wetland regulations that revamp buffer rules for new development is worth getting excited about.

And a final word from Shower Cap’s blog about the latest Supreme Court story:

So I guess I have to talk about Brett Kavanaugh’s penis now. We keep learning terrible new things about this penis. Things that are as far from “harmless fun” as they could possibly be, whatever the New York Times says. It is a penis with a history of being shoved into the hands and faces of women who did not want Brett Kavanaugh’s penis shoved anywhere near them. It is a penis whose nefarious activities Brett Kavanaugh seems to have lied about, repeatedly, under oath, during his Senate confirmation hearings, which is a crime, and probably grounds for impeachment. It is a very bad penis indeed.

What else do you want to talk about?

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  1. jason330 says:

    That In North Carolina congressional map saga is disgusting. A few Senate Dems were accidentally protected but they but they put the great good above their marginal gain and voted against it.

    ah.. I meant….A few Senate Dems were accidentally protected so they flushed the great good and consolidated their marginal gain by voting for it.

  2. Rufus Y. Kneedog says:

    Bloom Energy Corp (NYSE:BE) stock is spiraling today, after Hindenburg Research issued a scathing report on the solid oxide fuel cell specialist. The short seller called BE an “obvious bankruptcy candidate,” and said the firm will likely “wind up in the history books alongside failed companies like Theranos or Solyndra.”

    In its note, Hindenburg Research highlighted out roughly $2.2 billion in “undisclosed servicing liabilities that the market has missed,” and labeled the company’s operations as “an emissions-spewing hazardous waste-creating, uneconomical product.” In a statement released today, Bloom Energy said it “strongly disagree[s] with the conclusions drawn.”

    When this thing goes under do we finally get to stop paying them?

  3. Paul says:

    The key question to the latest “witness” to his honor’s penile adventures, an important question, THE question: was it turgid or flaccid? I’m betting on flaccid. I think DL should make this the next poll.