Delaware Liberal

Democrats, WTF?

Q: How many ways can Congressional Democrats make themselves look like clueless idiots? (for the answer, read on, below this post I took from Eschaton)

Stop Bothering

If Democrats can’t even manage to game out what to do when they, say, subpoena someone and they don’t respond appropriately, just stop bothering at all. Are we gonna hold the guy in contempt or not? Pretty simple, really. Have a plan. And if you aren’t going to hold them in contempt, every time you don’t you signal that people can show up in a mankini and sing the greatest hits of Snow instead of testifying and lol nothing matters.

I guess the only plan is they reduce the witness to a blubbering pile of goo like in some ridiculous courtroom drama… I CONFESS I CONFESS!!! I HELPED TRUMP DO ALL THE CRIMES!!!


Which won’t happen, and even if it does the NYT headline will be:

Confession of Trump’s Crimes Creates A Dilemma For Democrats

Which would be ridiculous, but I have to admit, not actually wrong.

A: There is no Mueller Report, there is no smoking gun, there is no eyewitness testimony, and there is no whistleblower report that will change anything. The more congressional democrats hope for some imaginary deus ex machana, the less they work on the only thing that can work – winning across the board on Nov 3, 2020.

Skynet goes live on November 3rd, 2020. Either Democrats win across the board on a bold reform platform, or Trump wins and it is all over.

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