“So-called” Climate Crisis Hits Houston Again

Filed in National by on September 20, 2019

Tempting as it may be, don’t blame the victims. Yes. They are Texans, many are climate change deniers and they do live in Houston. Put that all aside. Most climate change victims are also victims of capitalism. They are us. They only happen to be caught up in the gears of the end times machinery a few years earlier than us.

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Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. This is all about out of control development, pouring concrete over wetlands and greenspaces needed to absorb rainwater for the sake of almighty growth, much in the hands of a very Blue city of Houston and and recently blue County government handing out building permits in exchange for campaign contributions.
    Environmentalists have been warning this power structure for decades, including a brilliant Rice University Engineer named Jim Blackburn and his researchers. I experienced neck deep flooding going back to my early years there in the 70’s. But the last couple of tropical storms bred by global warming have finally and maybe too late awakened many to the repeating crisis. Add to this a highly unstable and old dam to the west of the city whose potential failure pointed out by Blackburn and others and you’ve got a massive loss of human life. That problem goes unaddressed. The greatest tragedy for me is so many friends there now experiencing repeated flooding, many of them in the ranks of those who warned and pleaded with our Blue Brethren in seats of power. And, America’s most diverse city setting an example for the nation in what a new America can be, but threatened with a drowning future. Delaware, you’ve been fairly warned of a bleak future.

  2. Alby says:

    I blame climate scientists, who in league with the manufacturers of air conditioners, are spending all the money they made destroying capitalism to alter the weather just to make it look like the planet is warming. These climate scientists will stop at nothing rather than admit they made the whole thing up.