Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread 9/29

Joan Walsh writes what many of us have known for years now: Trump is going to take the GOP down with him.

Worried that the Senate can simply refuse to hold a trial once the House votes to impeach?Don’t be. Even the GOP acknowledges it can’t do that.

The courts batted down the administration’s attempt to detain children indefinitely.

In a perfect encapsulation of the lack of intelligence of Republicans, the State Department has escalated its probe of Hillary Clinton’s emails, and no, they’re too dumb to understand that, having been caught with his own secret email server, Trump is no better than Hillary even if she were guilty.

A final note: You might think that the Trump Trolls have been silent, but it’s only the spam filter that’s been saving you from reading their screechings. They are afraid, very afraid, and with good reason. The day will come fairly soon that they will be shunned by all decent people, so they’re lashing out at everyone and everything.

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