Delaware Liberal

Coons reveals his true views on diversity in the US Senate

On Friday, Coons appeared on a panel at the University of Notre Dame Law School. Near the end of the panel, Coons was asked a question about increased partisanship in the Senate, and specifically about the fact that in the “good old days” of bipartisanship “Congress was a lot more homogenous”

I want to believe of our country and ourselves that a more diverse Senate that includes women’s voices, and voices of people of color, and voices of people who were not professionals but, you know, who grew up working class and were the first in their family to go to school and so forth, that we can engage those voices and that they can be part of the debate, and that that doesn’t produce irreconcilable discord.

I think history may judge otherwise, but I appreciate your raising both points.

Just read the whole thing.. Not having a primary opponent is allowing Coons to really go off the rails.

h/t REV He’s a very active activist! Consider sending some Patreon love to his podcast.

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