Dear Uncle Wingnut (Vol 1 Ep. 2)

Filed in National by on October 1, 2019

Dear Uncle Wingnut,

This seems like a simple yes/no question to me. But I’ll bet you five bucks that you can’t answer it succinctly*.

“Seeking election help from foreign governments is currently illegal. Should it be?”

– Jason330

*PS – succinctly means characterized by conciseness or brevity.


On a related note, check out this poll result.

Even in this minescule sample size, Trump’s America reveals its mania. It is just impossible for Trump true believers to allow that it is possible that Trump committed a crime. For them, everything is some liberal trick. Even a question as seeminly simple and straighforward as this poll question is a liberal trick.

In fact, even the poll question that included the response “I’m a MAGA Idiot – Trump could stomp on a baby’s face on TV and I wouldn’t care” got two votes. In the American fever dream known as Republicanism, Trump stomping on a baby’s face on TV can be made to be Hillary Clinton, or Joe Biden’s fault.

At any rate if Trump stomped on a baby’s face on TV (and I hope that doesn’t happen) we would quickly learn from Fox News that the baby deserved it.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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