DL Open Thread: Tuesday, Oct. 1, 2019

Filed in Featured by on October 1, 2019

Leo Strine Lays Out A Progressive Message:  I’m starting to think that he’s gonna run for governor–or US Senate. I’d welcome it. Tip o’ the sombrero to the Reverend, who uncovered this. Read it.

Pompeo Listened In On The Call. Barr Traveled The Globe In Search Of Dirt. Trump Told Russia That It Was OK To Meddle In Our Elections.  It’s all over now, Baby Orange. I’m calling it. Trump will not be the Rethuglican nominee for President.  Trump is totally corrupt, so there will be no end to breaking news about his corruption.

The Other Whistleblower Complaint.  It’s about Trump’s taxes, and it looks serious.

Trump & Giuliani Ties To Ukraine Corruption Go Back A Long Time.  Including how Trump laundered Russian wealth to line his pockets. Worth reading.

AG Indicts Theo Gregory.  It’s too bad that the law only categorizes his self-dealing as class A misdemeanors. I hope that there are more indictments to follow for other corrupt public officials. It may be the only way to get through to these leeches upon the Body Politic.

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. RE Vanella says:

    My pleasure. 🤓

  2. ben says:

    Som, you know you’re the best…. but c’mon He’ll be the fuckin’ nominee in 2024 even if he gets re-elected this time. you give the gop far more credit than they deserve. They are all, every single one of them, fascists. They know their only move is escalation.

  3. I (unsurprisingly) disagree. I remember the Nixon presidency unraveling. This feels the same, except on a much faster track. You’re already hearing some hedging from R’s. I think the dam breaks soon. It’s not like we know anything close to all that we WILL know about Trump’s corruption. And remember, the first and perhaps only instinct of a politician is to survive. Supporting Trump will soon be close to untenable.

    Cut ‘n save: We have a new president by Valentine’s Day 2020. Who knows, it MIGHT be Nancy Pelosi.

    • Alby says:

      I’m with El Som.

      Most politicians act only in their self-interest — case in point, the impeachment proceedings started only when Democrats doubted their ability to win another rigged election.

      Some of these Republicans can’t turn on him because they got Russian help too — this lawsuit by Gabrielle Giffords’ organization charges that Thom Tillis, Ron Johnson, Tom Cotton and Cory Gardner all got NRA money, probably from Russia, through shell corporations.

      But others will figure out at some point — they’ve got almost a year for the scales to fall from their eyes — that the jig is up, and they’ll throw Donnie Two Scoops overboard as they scramble for the lifeboats.

  4. BTW, please read the piece on Trump’s and Giuliani’s ties to Ukrainian corruption.

    Now, we just found out that that Ukrainian businessman mentioned in the article, Sam Kislin, has just been subpoenaed to appear before the House Intelligence Committee.

    He should face some interesting questions…

    • ben says:

      im aware of the onslaught of obvious treason and crimes the president committed.

      im saying you’re incorrect that the republicans… elected or otherwise… will care. shit, they cheer it. It’s right and good BECAUSE trump does it. if he shot and killed someone of 5th ave, that person will have been an “illegal” and a terrorist.

      you need look no further than jokes like RSE.

      • Alby says:

        You are watching a pot that isn’t boiling. We’re watching one that is getting hotter.

        In short, patience.

        • ben says:

          it’s a pot of oil. and the GOP is more than willing to let it catch fire and burn the house down. Pompeo just basically dared Pelosi to arrest him for contempt. fell good about the chances of that?
          No one on Joe Biden’s “they’ll see the light” train has a shred of anything to back it up…. whereas the “republicans are anti american shits who will crash this nation before admitting they are wrong”-boat has the last 18 years behind it. at this point you’re saying “have faith” so an atheist. give me something else.
          Only the election will fix this. An election where trump is the nominee. any other plan is already a failure.

          • Alby says:

            If you’re going to be a ninnyhammer and react to every provocation, then you’re never going to see anything clearly.

            I don’t have time for panicky people who make Chicken Little seem cautiously concerned.

            Or is that Chicken LIddle’?

            • ben says:

              too many hyphens.

              Im the one living in reality, my dude. All i asked for is why you think THIS TIME IS TOTALLY DIFFERENT. your response was to get defense and say you dont have time. that’s telling. It isnt different, The administration will continue to do crime free of real consequence and our only hope is an election so overwhelming, the cheating wont keep them in power. Im not panicked, Im not hyperventilating. I am clear eyed and serene in my absolute certainty that we are fucked.

              only once you accept this time is NOT different and realize the forces we are against for what they are, can we begin to overcome them. until then, we’re just frogs and lobsters boiling away.

              • jason330 says:

                The Pompeo “LOL, No” response to Pelosi is telling. All recent history proves that Republicans can get away with shit like this.

              • ben says:

                jason, stop being such a negative Ben! dont you realize if we just have faith and patience, the GOP will do what is right?

              • Alby says:

                Who says the GOP will do what is right? I’m saying you’re wrong in saying that nothing has changed.

              • ben says:

                so what’s changed, then?

                He’s still corrupt as ever. Everyone who will beleive/admit it does so… 35% of the country will still never abandon him….. the GOP primary voters.
                We’re getting the same “THIS TIME HE REALLLLLLY DUN IT” narrative.
                This, at BEST will be a particular (and hopefully recent enough to be remembered) anecdote we point to as to why everyone should suck it up and vote for Biden when he is ultimately made the nominee.

                I’ll tell ya when I’ll stop being so gloomy. when a different president holds the actual nuclear football in their hands.
                Until that moment, he’s a threat to every life on earth and no institution or constitution or set of norms or apparently #resistance Dems can be trusted to shield anyone.