Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Tuesday, Oct. 1, 2019

Leo Strine Lays Out A Progressive Message:  I’m starting to think that he’s gonna run for governor–or US Senate. I’d welcome it. Tip o’ the sombrero to the Reverend, who uncovered this. Read it.

Pompeo Listened In On The Call. Barr Traveled The Globe In Search Of Dirt. Trump Told Russia That It Was OK To Meddle In Our Elections.  It’s all over now, Baby Orange. I’m calling it. Trump will not be the Rethuglican nominee for President.  Trump is totally corrupt, so there will be no end to breaking news about his corruption.

The Other Whistleblower Complaint.  It’s about Trump’s taxes, and it looks serious.

Trump & Giuliani Ties To Ukraine Corruption Go Back A Long Time.  Including how Trump laundered Russian wealth to line his pockets. Worth reading.

AG Indicts Theo Gregory.  It’s too bad that the law only categorizes his self-dealing as class A misdemeanors. I hope that there are more indictments to follow for other corrupt public officials. It may be the only way to get through to these leeches upon the Body Politic.

What do you want to talk about?

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