What a fucking joke the DEGOP has turned into, I mean Jesus

Filed in National by on October 1, 2019

Hey, Peter Schott and Mitch Crane, do you want to hang out with your good buddy Mike Ramone and maybe tens of other Trump supporters? They are coming to your neck of the woods and have lowered the ticket price for the fun(?) sounding “Sunset Dance Party”

Is the theme related to the sun setting on this fraud cabal? You can find out yourself for a measly fifty bucks.

Apparently ticket sales have been less than brisk.

The Delaware Republican Party is hosting a “Sunset Dance Party” on October 4th as an official kick off to the 2020 election cycle!

Every dollar raised will be going towards building a winning infrastructure at our HQ so that candidates have a home base and all of the tools neseccary to win next November!

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (15)

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  1. A Rethug Dance Party? Are they gonna spike the punch with Geritol?

    BTW, the ‘!’ is as out of place here as it was on those ‘Ruth Ann!’ bumper stickers.

    BTWBTW, the irony of a ‘Sunset’ Dance Party is not lost on me.

    BTWBTWBTW, when Rethugs reduce the price of an event, it doesn’t mean that the price is too high. It means that nobody wants to come. I mean what Rethug thinks, “Well, I wasn’t gonna go, but $50 is an offer I can’t refuse. Hope I get to do the hokey-pokey”?

  2. bamboozer says:

    And so the irony of “Sunset Dance Party” did elude them, and most everyone else as well. And on a lighter note Trump wants to (I’m not making this up) “”Save Medicare From Socialist Destruction”. The consummate stupidity of that statement sums it up for Trump’s base and far too much of the American electorate.

  3. Jason330 says:

    I wonder how much campaign infrastructure they are really going to need.

  4. Delaware Deadbeats says:

    You bitch about the GOP but you Democrat nuts run a dysfunctional loser state.

    • jason330 says:

      I feel bad about getting under your skin the way I did.

    • Alby says:

      Which leaves one to wonder, how bad do you have to suck to keep losing to us? I’ll tell you — you have to suck really, really hard.

    • John Kowalko says:

      They could use the funds they raise to purchase a significant supply of Lysol and Bleach that can be used on vermin (and their droppings) such as you, to disinfect the Party and Orange peel leader you adore.

      Representative John Kowalko

      • Delaware Deadbeats says:

        the only vermin is clowns like you, typical know nothing morons like you who talk so much and never say much

        • John Kowalko says:

          Cheese with that bile? Your Orange Peel called. The Pied Piper needs your commitment to his treasonous doings so follow the leader like a good rat.
          John Kowalko

  5. Boogedy Boogedy says:

    The smart Republicans in Delaware learned long ago that all they needed to do win
    was run as Democrats.

    Just look how successful they’ve become:

    etc etc