Delaware Liberal

Why not require liability insurance for gun owners?

This is something I’ve always wondered about. After all, we are required drivers to show proof of insurance to get a car inspected. Why not requite proof of insurance to buy guns and bullets?

Gun ownership, even in the hands of responsible people, increases the risk of death and serious injury to others. In cases involving multiple deaths, few gun owners could afford to compensate victims’ families for their losses, just as most automobile owners couldn’t afford to compensate the families of accident victims. With automobiles, we require all vehicle owners to carry liability insurance. A similar approach would help with firearms.

Nothing in the constitution grants people the right to expose others to serious risk without compensation. Insurance sellers are skillful at estimating the risks posed by drivers with specific characteristics, and we could expect them to be similarly skillful at assessing the risks posed by gun owners. Requiring liability insurance isn’t a total solution to the problem of excessive risk, either for autos or for guns. But in both cases, it’s a positive step.

– Robert Frank, professor of economics at Cornell University

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