DL Open Thread: Weds., Oct. 2, 2019

Filed in Featured by on October 2, 2019

Rudy’s Sleazy Ukraine Ties.  Hey, he has to finance his ‘free’ work for Trump somehow.

AG Jennings Joins In Brief Supporting DACA.  I love Matt Denn, but Kathy Jennings may be the best Delaware AG I’ve seen.

Steel Plant In Louisiana Closes Unexpectedly.  Why? Trump’s tariffs. 376 workers lose their jobs.

Susan Collins: ‘Hero Of The Kavanaugh Confirmation’.  Her reward? A high-dollar Rethug Cali fundraiser. I think she’s the biggest phony in the Senate, a body full of phonies.

Catholic Church And Boy Scouts Join Forces To Avoid Liability For Enabling Sexual Predators.  Both organizations deserve to die.  Today’s must-read.

What do you want to talk about?


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  1. ben says:

    I take it back. Something HAS changed. close to half of America believes Biden “did something bad” regarding Ukraine, but since no one can really say what it is… since it hasn’t been made up yet, they are all primed to beleive whatever trump tells them it is. Maybe he’ll just let right wing media make it up along the way. In anycase, a crime committed by trump has turned into the new “but her emails” in just over a week. At least there’s still time to nominate Warren…. oh.. oh wait. But Her Emails was in the primary too.

  2. Alby says:

    Get a grip, for Christ’s sake. Your blubbering act gets old real fast.

    • ben says:

      boohoo. your blind optimism…. or I guess flat out refusal to accept reality was old a year ago.
      Not my fault you cant articulate why this time it totally different with anything other than “stop being upset”. Just explain if you have an explanation.

      I happen to think the only way this guy leaves office is after an electoral loss AND being dragged behind patriotic military personnel. You think… im not sure what you think because i know you’re not dumb enough to think the GOP will turn on him or that he will resign…. so how then, is “this time different”?

      Like i said. a calm, serene certainty of fucktedness. no blubbering, no hyperventilating. bottoming out is a hell of a drug.

      Tell ya what. if dems actually hold any of the magats in contempt I’ll change my tune. until then, you’re all a bunch of hopeless fools. Lucy has the football and you’re totally sure you’ll get to kick it this time. I’m over here smokin Js with Schroeder and doing *other awesome metaphors

  3. Alby says:

    The Catholic Church is a criminal organization and should be prosecuted as such.

  4. bamboozer says:

    The Catholic church never wants for nerve, frequently lecturing the rest of us while hiding pedophile priests around the world, fighting against bills that would increase their liabilities does not surprise me. As for Collins defeating Moscow Mitch is Job 1, but flushing her would bring tears of joy to more then a few.

  5. RE Vanella says:

    buT wHeRE hAs sOciALisM EveR wORkEd!


    ✔️ Tripled per capital income
    ✔️ Stabilized currency & inflation
    ✔️ Lowered economic inequality by nearly 20%

    • Alby says:

      That’s great. Once a country sinks to the level of Bolivia, socialism works. We’re almost there.

      • RE Vanella says:

        Haha. Yeah that’s the point. Are you an economist as a hobby?

        I’m mean we could talk about Denmark and Sweden & Norway, but everyone is sick of those!

        • Alby says:

          Socialism in those countries did not triple per-capita income. You have to be Bolivia for it to have that effect.

          If we can’t convince Americans that they’d be better off under “socialized” (meaning available to everyone) medicine, despite the dozens of countries with better results at half the price of ours, I don’t think the example of a poor country doing better under socialism will move the needle very much.

          The best defense against the brainless anti-socialism morons is to ask them to define socialism. Spoiler alert: They can’t.

          • RE Vanella says:

            aLWayS a nEw QuaLiFiCaTiON or CriTEriOn 🙃

            • Alby says:

              You’re the one who cited the statistic, apparently because you think it’s worthwhile to treat a simple-minded argument (“where has socialism ever worked, hyuk hyuk) as an argument that needs refutation — and that facts would somehow make them stop saying it.

              Why bother fighting over it when they don’t know what it means?

  6. RSE says:

    “Biden “did something bad” regarding Ukraine, but since no one can really say what it is…”

    Maybe this testimony from the Ukrainian prosecutor who Biden had removed can help with that:

    “The truth is that I was forced out because I was leading a wide-ranging corruption probe into Burisma Holdings, a natural gas firm active in Ukraine and Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, was a member of the Board of Directors,” – Victor Shokin

    • Alby says:

      The problem is that what you and he call “the truth” isn’t.

      He had mothballed the investigation for a year. The person who replaced him revived it. Look it up, meathead. Or do you just expect crooks to confess? If that worked, Trump would already be in prison.

    • John Kowalko says:

      Maybe this testimony from Charles Manson can help with uncovering the truth. “The truth is I was home cooking at my peaceful little commune when Tex and those crazy women decided to mutilate Sharon Tate and those others. I was forced into prison because I was leading a wide-ranging probe into the lyrics of some Beatle songs”.

      Representative John Kowalko

  7. Alby says:

    Can we officially declare the Mayor Pete moment over?


    The upshot: He’s attacking everyone except Biden, so fuck him.

  8. Arthur says:

    Bernie’s campaign is over. This is why no one should vote for anyone over 70

  9. bamboozer says:

    Agree Bernie is toast, he may stagger on for a bit but the emergency procedure has proven what everybody suspects. Bernie and Joe are just Too Damn Old.

  10. Alby says:

    If by “over” you mean he’s not going to win, then it’s been over for a while, bum ticker or not. I was talking about whether he continues to campaign.

  11. jason330 says:

    1) If he doesn’t feel like running anymore, the Democrats all owe him a HUGE debt of gratitude. They all have a shot against Biden because the the changes he forced on the DNC.

    2) He has enough money and juice to be a king maker. The only people that it makes sense for him to support are Warren and Gabbard.

    3) This is a good day for Warren.

  12. Arthur says:

    Anyone 70 and over you just cant vote for. their mental and physical health can turn on a dime. especially when they actually start working in the most stressful job in the world

  13. RE Vanella says:

    If you’re surviving in capitalism enough to be comfortable, and you critique capitalism, you’re called a hypocrite.

    If you aren’t surviving in capitalism, and you’re poor and critique capitalism, you’re called a lazy hater.

    How convenient.


  14. RE Vanella says:

    By the way, Bernard is fine.

    • jason330 says:

      ok. But his campaign for the Democratic nomination isn’t. Don’t deny reality, bro.

      • Ben says:

        I can’t wait for bernieland to say this was Warren trying to have His Pureness killed.

        • C’mon. That’s ridiculous.

          • jason330 says:

            I second that.

            • Ben says:

              So im sure everyone remembers “Hillary laughs at rape victims”-gate?
              Well, when asked if 45 should be banned from Twitter, Warren myrthlessly chuckled and said no. So obviously, to the Bernouts…. Warren laughs at victims of White terrorism and thinks trump’s encitment of violence is funny. These people are only slightly better than Cult45 bc their politics are better. Other than that, same cloth.

  15. Alby says:

    Another endorsement for Warren: Zuckerberg says she’s an “existential threat” in leaked audio.


  16. Paul says:

    “ I love Matt Denn, but Kathy Jennings may be the best Delaware AG I’ve seen.” really, leaving out Beau Biden altogether? I think he was a great AG. No denigration to Kathy, I’m loving her work.

    • Beau Biden was absent for a great deal of his term. He lied about it, his staff lied about it, and all his enablers lied about it.

      Don’t forget, he was also off in Iraq for a year during his term. Practically speaking, he was an absentee AG.

  17. Delaware Deadbeats says:

    Delaware sucks so bad cuz of people like you wackos.

    • Jason330 says:

      They got a computer in the day room.

      • John Kowalko says:

        Nah! They give temporary computer access to those patients who have just undergone electroshock treatment. That allows them to assuage their hallucinogenic reality focus in a communal type of setting (trolling).

        John Kowalko