Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Weds., Oct. 2, 2019

Rudy’s Sleazy Ukraine Ties.  Hey, he has to finance his ‘free’ work for Trump somehow.

AG Jennings Joins In Brief Supporting DACA.  I love Matt Denn, but Kathy Jennings may be the best Delaware AG I’ve seen.

Steel Plant In Louisiana Closes Unexpectedly.  Why? Trump’s tariffs. 376 workers lose their jobs.

Susan Collins: ‘Hero Of The Kavanaugh Confirmation’.  Her reward? A high-dollar Rethug Cali fundraiser. I think she’s the biggest phony in the Senate, a body full of phonies.

Catholic Church And Boy Scouts Join Forces To Avoid Liability For Enabling Sexual Predators.  Both organizations deserve to die.  Today’s must-read.

What do you want to talk about?


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