DL Open Thread: Fri., Oct. 4, 2019

Filed in Featured by on October 4, 2019

Trump Is Unfit For Office, And Pretty Much Everybody Knows It.  Mitch McConnell surely does. Which means he knows that the R’s will lose the Senate with Trump as President. Rethugs have to be looking for an off-ramp. I highly recommend this piece. A must-read.

AG Secretary To Family Dairy Farmers: Drop Dead. That should shore up the rural farmer vote…

A Quid Pro Quo By Any Other Name.  BTW, career diplomat Bill Taylor emerges as a hero in all this.

Russian Disinformation Sites Run Interference For Trump.

Hanifa Shabazz Has Community Protestor Arrested.  I hope that the AG is also investigating this self-dealing politician, who is the President of Wilmington City Council.

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  1. Arthur says:

    Welcome to Wilmington DE, the new North Korea where dissenters are jailed

    • Alby says:

      Dion Wilson, the activist Shabazz had arrested, was wrong about one thing. He is quoted as saying “she ain’t shit,” but anyone who’s watched Hanifa Shabazz knows very well that she is indeed shit.