Delaware Liberal

An Annotated look at Trump’s “great and unmatched wisdom” tweet

The “great and unmatched wisdom” line is getting a lot of attention, but the entire tweet is bonkers, so let’s take a deep dive look at this mess:

“As I have stated strongly before, and just to reiterate,”

Even though the press continues to treat Trump’s tweets like off hand quips and jokes, Trump regards his tweets as “statements”. It is well past time that everyone takes them as seriously as the he does.

“..if Turkey does anything that I, in my great and unmatched wisdom,”

Trump’s wisdom is gut wisdom. It can turn on a dime. It isn’t the type of wisdom that comes from knowing any actual facts, or history. That’s for egg heads. So he is right in that it is “unmatched”. More about the grandiosity below.

“(if Turkey does anything) I consider to be off limits”

Turkey has already stipulated that this whole deal is so that they can attack and kill as many Kurds as possible (hopefully all of them). Here Trump has made Turkey’s planned war crimes something that can be adjudicated by his personal measuring stick only and not something that can be objectively reported.

“I will totally destroy and obliterate the Economy of Turkey (I’ve done before!).”

Grandiosity is an important characteristic of both psychopathy and narcissism. The relationships between grandiosity and various personality disorders is well documented. For this sentence alone, Trump should be removed from office.

“The U.S. has done far more than anyone could have ever expected, including the capture of 100% of the ISIS Caliphate. It is time now for others in the region, some of great wealth, to protect their own territory.”

There is always a place for nursing the grievances of his supporters. America under Trump is not the international patsy and loser it was under Obama and Bush. Trump is not imposing a death sentence on the Kurds, he is standing up for America.


If the prior sentence was too dense for his supporters to unpack, here is the Reader’s Digest version.

From Lawyers Guns and Money:

“Any sane person who reads this tweet has a strong impulse to impute a satiric or otherwise comedic intent on the part of its author. That is a mistake.”

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