Democrats are just the same as Republicans

Filed in National by on October 7, 2019

From time to time you run into a Green Party person or ultra-SJW who says dumb shit about D’s and R’s being just alike.

I guess they have a minor point if they are talking about the leadership of the Democratic Party which is composed of a bunch frauds like Tom Carper, a “Democrat” who couldn’t recognize Democratic values if Democratic values sat down next to him on his daily Amtrak trip to DC.

On balance though, Democrats are nothing like Republicans. There is a name for people who think “Democrats are just the same as Republicans”. The name is – dumbfucks.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. bamboozer says:

    Talking about the media again are we? Or just Coons and Carper?

  2. Alby says:

    Are you talking about Democratic politicians or actual Democrats? Because if you’re talking about politicians, the only real difference is that Democrats think we should treat the people in steerage a little better.

    • Jason330 says:

      I’m not sure that checks out. “Democratic Polititcians” and “Democratic Party Leadership” are somewhat interchangable but there is a distinction.

      It is possible to find Democratic politicians that are not craven shitheads. It isn’t possible to find Democratic politician in a top leadership position in the party that isn’t one.

      • Alby says:

        True, it’s not all politicians, but it’s an overwhelming majority. I’m not letting the Lisa Blunt Rochesters off the hook, because they turn into the John Carneys.

        Chris Coons was once a lowly county councilman. So was Joe Biden. Nobody would have called them part of the leadership.

        By their fruits shall ye know them.