DL Open Thread: Mon., Oct. 7, 2019

Filed in Featured by on October 7, 2019

Trump To Kurds: Drop Dead. “Well, sure, you helped us stop ISIS, but Erdogan, who BTW, is a great man, tells me that you’re expendable. Good luck and see you later.”

How Rethugs Stole The 2016 Election–And How They May Steal It Again In 2020. Your must-read assignment of the day. This is the only way R’s can win. And they do.

Trump Allies, Including Rick Perry, ‘Shook Down’ Ukraine’s National Gas Company. Yeah, Giuliani was ‘fighting corruption’ in Ukraine. Right.

How Trump Gets Rid Of Federal Workers Without Firing Them.  Send them halfway across the country, and provide next to no notice.

How Life For Latinos Has Changed Under Trump. For the worst, to put it mildly.

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. RE Vanella says:

    Can someone remind me why Portugal isn’t a country that “counts”. I have trouble remembering all the different rules you make up.


    I think they require insurance on farm equipment.

    • ben says:

      It only counts if it isnt real socialism and it is also failing. All successful examples of actual socialist or socialistic policies are disqualified on the basis it doesn’t fit the corporatist narrative.

    • Alby says:

      For the same reason nobody talks about their successful drug decriminalization program.

  2. jason330 says:

    Is anyone shocked that Giuliani and Perry were doing the exact thing in Ukraine that Hunter Biden was accused and cleared of doing?

    I’m sure it would be humiliating for them if the beltway gave a flying fuck, or if they were capable of human reactions to things.

    • ben says:

      trump and his crime family are so guilty of everything they accuse others of, im 10000% convinced he’s from Kenya

  3. When is someone, ANYone, gonna apply the same standards to Trump’s kids that they’re applying to Hunter Biden?

    The D’s failure to make that point is political malpractice.