DL Open Thread: Tues., Oct. 8, 2019

Filed in Featured by on October 8, 2019

Giuliani And Perry Sought To Horn In On Ukraine Gas $$’s.  They weren’t weeding out corruption, they were looking to profit from it. Great reporting from the Associated Press.

Transportation Secretary Chao Turned Office Into Gravy Train For Mitch McConnell. Who is, not coincidentally, her husband.

Ex-prisoners Sue Florida Rethugs For Their Voting Rights.  The only way Rethugs can win is by suppressing the vote, which they are blatantly doing here.

Trump’s ‘Little Conflict Of Interest’ On Turkey. In his own words, from a 2015 Breitbart interview: ““I have a little conflict of interest ’cause I have a major, major building in Istanbul,” Trump boasted in response. “It’s a tremendously successful job. It’s called Trump Towers — two towers, instead of one, not the usual one; it’s two. And I’ve gotten to know Turkey very well. They’re amazing people, they’re incredible people. They have a strong leader.”

Rep. Baumbach Proposes Bill To Provide For Removal Of School Board Members.  Right now, there’s no way to remove Colonial school board member and accused pedophile Ronnie Williams, barring conviction.

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. Alby says:

    Rep. Baumbach should stop looking at the little picture. We have no way to impeach, recall or otherwise remove most public officials in Delaware and its municipalities. Shouldn’t citizens have a say in removing incompetent officials, like Karen Weldin Stewart, or those who announce they won’t do their jobs, like Kathleen McGuiness?

    • Arthur says:

      So you want politicians to create a law where they can then be removed by other politicians? its a rhetorical question

      • Alby says:

        They already can, in the General Assembly at least, by a two-thirds vote. And as far as I know that’s the only mechanism for someone’s removal. There is no provision for impeaching a governor, though.

        I would be happy with the California method of citizen-generated recall elections for wayward officials, especially in the minor elected statewide offices. Anything would be step in the right direction.

        My standard is good government. It should be everyone’s. Those who oppose good government are the enemy, no matter their party affiliation.

  2. mediawatch says:

    In the matter of the Colonial school board member, an equally effective approach with less overreach would be to pass a resolution barring him from school district property (where virtually all school board activities take place) until the resolution of the criminal charges.

  3. MSNBC just reported that Lindsey Graham has invited Rudy Giuiliani to speak to the Senate Judiciary Committee. Needless to say, this had to be done with the support of Trump. Meaning that Graham will give Rudy a platform to air his set of alternative facts in order to once again deflect attention from the ongoing blatant criminal enterprise that is the White House.

    • Alby says:

      They can offer whatever they like. Most people understand that an innocent person would welcome investigation, and a guilty person would fight it.

      The only “people” it’s meant for are those in the media, who are the only ones left willing to carry Trump’s water. Gotta keep those clicks a’comin’!

  4. Alby says:

    I think there’s a lot more to this News Journal story on the resignation of Cathy McKay, head of Connections. Connections holds $100 million in contracts with the state.


    Time for citizen journalism: Anyone who knows anything is encouraged to drop us a note on the tip line, or right here in the comments.

    • Lebay says:

      I worked with Cassandra Marshall (and others) a few years back in order to stop Connections from taking over West Center City. It was obvious then that Connections, CSP was a shitty corporation…but this is Delaware, where the politically connected get government contracts and everyone else gets fucked. IIRC, Connections was busing in addicts from South Jersey and DE taxpayers were paying for their treatment. At the same time, Connections was buying up property all over West Center City and generally making it a less desirable place to live than it would have been otherwise.

  5. bamboozer says:

    “MSNBC just reported that Lindsey Graham has invited Rudy Giuiliani to speak to the Senate Judiciary Committee. ”
    Interesting as the Rude Boy has been nearly as uncontrollable as Trump at times and prone to make an ass out of himself. Scripted or not there’s a chance Rudy drops the ball under pressure, Graham or not.

  6. Rufus Y. Kneedog says:

    On a positive note, I was glad to hear Allan Loudell back on the air. He had me worried.