Why This Time Is Different

Filed in National by on October 9, 2019

A significant number of Democrats, about 35% of them, are reacting to the Ukraine scandal/Trump impeachment with the resignation of the oft-defeated, convinced Trump’s wall of GOP/Fox reality-denial will turn aside the latest news of his crimes as it has all the others. I don’t think so, and for a very simple reason: The media is treating it differently.

The reason Trump has triumphed and persisted until now is his ability to play the media like a lion-tamer. When he occasionally has lost control of the narrative, he has regained it by distracting the media a new batch of shiny objects in the form of tweets. The media has been happy to play this game. Every new word-outrage acts as another piece of clickbait, generated with little to no effort, as opposed to actually putting reporters on the ground, where the real outrages are taking place.

This new story, though, doesn’t require boots on the ground, just eyes on documents and ears on telephones, and as each new revelation opens new avenues of investigation, it’s not likely to stall for weeks on end, as Robert Mueller’s probe did. Perhaps unexpectedly, it also prompted members of the media to evolve spines. Pretty soon they might be ready to walk on land.

Every day now I see headlines about shouting matches between CNN journos and Trump apologists who try to derail their interviews. I wasn’t seeing much of that before. I see more stories about GOP fear and dislike of Trump, which means more of them are talking, off the record for now, to the press. If you think this makes no difference, don’t kid yourself. The “shocking” increase in support for impeachment — it’s up 10% or among Democrats and independents, about 7% among Republicans — is no shock at all given the change in tone from the media.

Every new revelation will make Trump’s hole deeper — and he’s going to keep digging.

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  1. bamboozer says:

    I agree, seen the shouting matches and perhaps a new attitude. Also think the slaughter of the Kurds will play badly for Trump, believe they’ve already started bombing civilian targets. Apparently the Evangelicals don’t like what’s going on either, as noted by others now is a really bad time to piss off the Christian far right.

  2. Jim C says:

    I can only hope that this time is, indeed, different!

  3. jason330 says:

    New Fox Poll: 51% of registered voters want President Trump to be impeached and removed from office.


  4. ben says:

    I will allow a very small amount of cautious optimism. I think I may now need the daily surge of bile just to get out of bed in the morning, so i cant get too warm and fuzzy

    I still dont think 67 senators will vote to convict. I still dont think he will go peacefully after an electoral loss which i still dont think will happen, because he’s clearly and obviously going to cheat again… Repukes know that’s the only way they stay in power, so of course they’ll go along with it.


    it’s good to see that his minions will get heartburn over the poll.

  5. Alby says:

    Now comes word from the Wall Street Journal that Giuliani had lunch just yesterday with his two now-arrested cronies.
