This Is Why Republicans Can’t Turn on Trump

Filed in International, National by on October 10, 2019

As I guessed more than two years ago, the explanation is a lot simpler than “they’re afraid of his base,” which is true but doesn’t explain why they won’t cut the Orange Albatross loose now that he’s hurting the entire party. The truth is that Russian money, much of it funneled through the NRA, didn’t just go to Trump. As this story notes, the two Giuliani henchman indicted for illegal campaign contributions spread that money to Reps. Kevin McCarthy and Pete Sessions as well as dozens of state Republican parties. If investigators keep digging and whistleblowers keep blowing, we’re going to find that most if not all of the Republicans in the U.S. Senate have been similarly tarred.

As I have also pointed out repeatedly, the entire Russian campaign scandal was engineered by the Supreme Court’s sophistry surrounding money in politics, as encapsulated in the Citizen’s United decision. By allowing dark money in elections, SCOTUS opened the door to foreign interference, and this is the inevitable result. This is why Republicans in Congress and the Senate are pushing the obviously corrupt practices that once faced bipartisan disapproval.

When push came to shove, Republicans were all too happy to sell their “principles” to the highest bidders. And I have no doubt that if they hadn’t, mainstream Democrats would have done the same thing. Do you think Joe Biden is checking to ensure that all those big-dollar donors are clean? Me neither.

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  1. bamboozer says:

    Turning into an almighty bomb at this point, even better ensnaring what looks to be my near favorite Twitter target the hapless Kevin McCarthy. But what really stands out is the breadth of the involvement of these two Russkies, they dined at the White House with Trump and there’s a photo of them with Don Don Jr. as well. Suspect much more to come, hope to see a conga line of perp walks out the White House door.

  2. jason330 says:

    I heard something about Gypsies (not sure is that is PC…Romani ) anyway. People who grift look at the world differently. If you are not one of them, if you are not in on the grift you are a sucker and someone who needs to be taken advantage of. It is not negotiable. It is natural law, like wolves and rabbits.

    If there is an edge to be had, you have to take it. To not grift when one can grift is the morally indefensible choice.