Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Tues., Oct. 15, 2019

Rudy The Human Hand Grenade.  Man, this testimony from Fiona Hill is incendiary.  According to Hill:

The aide, Fiona Hill, testified that Mr. Bolton told her to notify the chief lawyer for the National Security Council about a rogue effort by Mr. Sondland, Mr. Giuliani and Mick Mulvaney, the acting White House chief of staff, according to the people familiar with the testimony.

“I am not part of whatever drug deal Sondland and Mulvaney are cooking up,” Mr. Bolton, a Yale-trained lawyer, told Ms. Hill to tell White House lawyers, according to two people at the deposition.

Trump Moves Out. Russia Moves In. Someday we’ll find out what Putin has on Trump. I think it’s a lot of things. Including showers of gold.

Trump Goons Go–Christian. Bill Barr Edition.  The last refuge of these scoundrels. Attacks ‘secular terrorists’.

Trump Goons Go–Christian. Mike Pompeo Edition.  This is not coincidence. All they’ve got left are white male evangelicals.

Hospitals Lead Fight Against Medicare For All.  Why? Because they’re ee-vil.

Trump Has Hired At Least 281 Lobbyists For His Administration. It is, after all, the fox-torches-the-henhouse administration.

What do you want to talk about?


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