DL Open Thread: Fri., Oct. 18, 2019
Jee-zus, where to begin? On a day when the fact that the ‘boy’s gone crazy’ is in such clear focus?
Trump’s Chief Of Staff: Yes, There Was A Quid Pro Quo. No big deal, though. Happens all the time.
Romney’s Theory: Turkey Said They Were Invading. Trump Folded. My theory (one among many)?: Erdogan said they were gonna nationalize The Turkey Trump Towers if Trump didn’t flee. Romney’s offering Rethugs a way out. Let’s see how many take him up on it.
Trump’s Awarding Doral G-7 Summit Is Impeachable Offense. I know, ‘man bites dog’. Still…and, of course, there’s more.
Admiral McRaven: Our Republic Is Under Attack From The President. Quoth McRaven: Nevermore.
Finally, for a change of pace(maker):
More Than 700 Doctors Paid Over A Million $$’s Each From Drug And Medical Device Companies. Incredible reporting from Pro Publica. Delaware’s most fortunate can be found here.
What do you want to talk about?
I was not surprised that hundreds of doctors are on the take from Big Pharma, that die was cast when congress killed the ban on drug companies advertising, dare say 700 is actually a low ball number. Having said that I did enjoy seeing Mick Mulvaney having his ass handed to him at the press conference. Much like Paul Ryan he remains a poor liar despite constant practice.
Assume, for just a moment, that the Mulvaney press conference was not a mistake. Consider that perhaps Mulvaney’s role was to normalize quid pro quos in Trump’s negotiations with foreign leaders. If he knows that they’re gonna come out, then perhaps he’s just trying to get out ahead of them and define them as ‘no big deal’.
I think that’s more than just possible.
Works with his supporters, everyone violates the constitution, what’s the big deal bla bla ..
more proof that Clinton is a bad politician.
Yes, we ALL know Gabbard is a Russian plant. But Fair or not, by Hillary saying *it, it becomes just what Tsarina Tulsi wants…. a rallying point for the alt-reich. Hillary needs to be endorsing trump and approving of shit he does. Say something mean about Warren, or insult her husband’s assault victims, while praising Republican *values. HRC is a heel. be one.
What do we want to talk about? Your doing a good job mixing National & local. Keep it coming baby. So much stuff to report.