Jee-zus, where to begin? On a day when the fact that the ‘boy’s gone crazy’ is in such clear focus?
Trump’s Chief Of Staff: Yes, There Was A Quid Pro Quo. No big deal, though. Happens all the time.
Romney’s Theory: Turkey Said They Were Invading. Trump Folded. My theory (one among many)?: Erdogan said they were gonna nationalize The Turkey Trump Towers if Trump didn’t flee. Romney’s offering Rethugs a way out. Let’s see how many take him up on it.
Trump’s Awarding Doral G-7 Summit Is Impeachable Offense. I know, ‘man bites dog’. Still…and, of course, there’s more.
Admiral McRaven: Our Republic Is Under Attack From The President. Quoth McRaven: Nevermore.
Finally, for a change of pace(maker):
More Than 700 Doctors Paid Over A Million $$’s Each From Drug And Medical Device Companies. Incredible reporting from Pro Publica. Delaware’s most fortunate can be found here.
What do you want to talk about?