Song Of The Day 10/20: The Beatles-Come Together

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on October 20, 2019

Probably too many pointless trifles from Paul for Abbey Road to be considered the best Beatles album. Even back then John called it ‘granny music’. But the great stuff was–great.

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  1. bamboozer says:

    Some of the Beatles tunes have held up very well, some have not, that was inevitable.

  2. Nancy Willing says:

    Vivid memory of a large-gathering sleep-over at Kathy Jordan’s house (one of the few kids in the neighborhood who had plenty of money on hand to buy albums) at the time this was released and all of us groaning over toe jam football gross out.

  3. puck says:

    There is a live webcam on the Abby Road crosswalk from the album cover. I’ve looked at it twice and both times immediately saw people taking photos of each other crossing the road.