DL Open Thread: Mon., Oct. 21, 2019

Filed in Featured by on October 21, 2019

D’s Losing Social Media Race–Bigly.  There is no excuse for this. This should be a strength, not a weakness. It speaks to the ossified ‘leadership’ of the national party.

How ALEC Plans To Protect Rethug Gerrymanders.  Forewarned is forearmed. Except dim-bulb D’s may not pay attention.

Buttigieg And Zuckerberg: Perfect Together?  Zuckerberg will use all of his power to protect Facebook. Including backing Mayor Pete.

Modeling Those Most At Risk With Global Warming.  South Asia and Africa are especially vulnerable. Copious research.  A must for climate geeks.

Dover On Cusp Of Economic Revival?  I dunno. The names sound kinda tired to me. But, hey, it’s Dover.

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. RSE says:

    I’m suspicious of all this Tulsi Gabbard talk. What are the Clintons up to? The more Gabbard is perceived as someone who is anti-establishment, anti… the “deep state”, the more likely she would draw votes from Trump rather than whoever the Democrats decide to run, if indeed Gabbard decides to run as a third party candidate.

  2. Alby says:

    Here’s a big flag on Mayor Pete: He’s tight with Mark Zuckerberg, to the point of taking his advice on campaign hires:


  3. bamboozer says:

    “Dover on cusp of economic revival?”, in a word NO. Dover is growing, but so is Milford and many other formerly sleepy towns. What drives it is retirees fleeing high taxes in New York, New Jersey and others. Notice the businesses opening all offer poverty wages and several are replacements for failed businesses. Finally a quick show of hands! Who would love to see a Dover bypass on Rt.13? ME and thousands of others.

  4. Elaine Smith says:

    “It speaks to the ossified ‘leadership’ of the national party.” Bingo.

  5. mouse says:

    Dover is getting better. It has a French bakery now. I remember looking for a bagel shop and sushi bar 30 years ago and people had no idea lol

    • ben says:

      sounds about right. About 10 years ago in Bear, I had to explain to the owner of a Manhattan Bagel what whitefish salad was. slowly but surely, we’re coming into the light.