DL Open Thread 10/24/19

Filed in Open Thread by on October 24, 2019

Rep. Matt Gaetz

Matt Gaetz, the congressional version of Florida Man, tried to lead a GOP Lost Boys attack on a closed-door impeachment hearing and proved they don’t understand national security in the process. I’m beginning to think Republicans are represented entirely by dropouts from the Ringling Bros. clown college.

Those who finish their clown college classwork graduate to Trump’s legal team, which yesterday made the argument that the president is immune from not just prosecution but investigation. Funny how no Republican lawyers were making that argument back in the Clinton years.

Barley Mill Plaza, the mothballed office park at the intersection of Del. 141 and Lancaster Pike, is one step closer to getting a Wegmans grocery store after an approval by county council.

The House of Representatives finally found something all members could agree on: A new bill making animal cruelty a federal crime. The trick, should it pass the Senate, will be getting Trump to sign it.

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  1. ben says:

    Im sure Barron will still be allowed to torture hamsters.

  2. RE Vanella says:

    I’m on the Hill today. We birddogged the Senate Judiciary Comt. re Menashi confirmation.

    You can follow my day here:

    Very quiet today actually. After the GOP circus move yesterday, the Zuckerberg fiasco and because the Delaware contingent is in Wilmington for Sonia Sloan funeral.

    Senators annoyed by me today:

    Cornyn TX
    Graham SC

    Senators who are pleasant:

    Feinstein CA
    Leahy VT – (seems like a nice grandpa)

    Also wound up my boys in Coons’ office. Apparently yesterday was as wild here as it looked on TV

    • ben says:

      Cornyn endorsed ethic cleansing today. He endorsed Genocide today. He is now a *real Nazi and should be dealt with in the manner that is best to deal with actual nazis.

  3. John Kowalko says:

    I’ve just viewed some of the war-crimes videos documenting the atrocities being committed by Turkey in Syria. It is now past time that every one of you/us vocally and publicly declare that the ultimate responsibility for these inhumane and horrid atrocities rests on the shoulders of Donald Trump. His sociopathic disregard for civilized society and human life combined with his total lack of understanding of the Middle East region and his unquenchable thirst for self-aggrandizement and self-enrichment declares him the “war criminal” that he is. It is no longer acceptable to hold our tongues and hope the Constitutional process will neutralize his madness. It is no longer acceptable for any Republican or elected official to remain silent while this person rampages into the history books proudly displaying his autocratic and profoundly fascist instincts as America’s leader. Every elected and public person/official that chooses not to openly and publicly denounce his murderous policy decisions is forfeiting their own conscience/soul and should be branded as willing co-conspirators equally guilty of enabling and abetting his madness.
    Representative John Kowalko

    • Delaware Women for Power says:

      You sound like a wacko.

      • RE Vanella says:

        He’s right though. That’s the thing. It’s funny how it works out that way sometimes.

      • John Kowalko says:

        I’d rather “sound” like one to irrational trolls such as you than to actually be one like your Orange Peel. One caveat however, excusing the Donald’s abhorrent and inhuman behavior as merely the work of a “whacko” is an insult to the whacko community. However, I suspect you’ve already reached that conclusion the last time you turned your attention from the true whackos like the Fox team of Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity to your own mirror.
        Representative John Kowalko

  4. RE Vanella says:

    Ben Sasse is very touchy today.

    Senator Sensitive.

  5. Jim C says:

    Just got an email from the Coons mailing list that was titled, “Russia is planning to interfere in our elections”.
    My response to this mailing list was,
    “I’m concerned you’re going to meddle in MY election! This “reach-across-the aisle-BS” and the “I’m-sure-they’ll-act-responsibly-when-he’s-gone-crap” will lead to a further degradation of the middle class while you “pretend” to have our interests at heart.
    Retire, PLEASE!”

    • RE Vanella says:

      Also realized that Senator Michael Bennet wears eyeglasses and it’s like a perfect disguise.

      Guy’s running for president (allegedly) and he walked right by like 4 of us. We totally missed him. Just looked like another bumbling putz.

      Well played, Clark Kent.

  6. RE Vanella says:

    Final words from Julia Peter at the Center for Popular Democracy are here..


    If you want to take that email or phone call to the next level, it’s very easy and pretty satisfying quite frankly, contact the good folks here at the blog or email us at highlandsbunker@gmail.com

    Yesterday a comrade of ours got Senator Collins to verbally commit to a no on Trump goblin nomination Menashi. Sometimes a long shot comes in. Right in the hallway! You just gotta keep at them.

    Left is best.