Do the Delaware Stonewall (not) Democrats have a clear stance regarding not supporting Trump supporters this year?

Filed in National by on October 25, 2019

I basically asked that question to The Delaware Stonewall (not) Democrats’ Mitch Crane on a popular social media website. The answer is apparently “no” or to be more precise, “no…not yet”, but Mitch is working on it.

That (not supporting Trump Republicans like Mike Ramone) is MY position and I expect all the board members would agree. I would like that question to be asked of all candidates seeking our support. They would have to state in writing that they will not vote for Trump.

That is movement in the right direction, I suppose. But wouldn’t it be easier to just go back to being the “Delaware Stonewall Democrats” and dispense with all the Trump supporting contortions.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (14)

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  1. Bane says:

    No offense… But this site is starting to devolve into posts about El Som’s music choices and random thoughts and digs that pop into your head. Carney has made judicial nominations, Earl Jaques is talking about gay people like he’s a Dixiecrat from Alabama, and Wilmington is on fire politically. Meanwhile you’re taking shots at Mitch Crane. You can do better than this.

  2. jason330 says:

    No offense.. But that criticism is so old Joe Biden once saved it from drowning.

  3. RE Vanella says:

    We discussed Merle Jocks homophobia at length!

    Also, I’m sure Jason will get to it tomorrow, but I’ve released another pretty strong podcast.

    Larry Lambert. RD 7. Leftist insurgent. Then a 2nd guest. One of the generals in the national leftist insurgency. Executive Director of the Justice Democrats, Alexandra Rojas.

    You seem like a person who may enjoy this type of content, also, incidentally, brought to you in part by the good folks here at DE Liberal. True story.

    Last week we talked suburban poverty by distinct NCCo census tract. Next week News Journal reporter Karl Baker & freelance journo Jordan Howell discuss Ukrainian henchmen & Delaware LLCs.

    I mean you strike me as a man who’d dig this type of stuff the most. I wasn’t joking about that! You should consider a patronage.

    I don’t even need to link to it do I?

  4. RE Vanella says:

    Last minor thing. For the record. The group that took it’s name from one of the most important civil rights uprisings in this country should be relentlessly ridiculed – brought low.

    You might be longing for the hot topic of be the a day. (I actually think Jason struck a nerve.) But I wouldn’t underestimate attacking power political cliques whenever possible.

    Again, consider a patronage.

  5. Bane says:


    I’ve heard all of your shows. Really good content. You’ve got something.

  6. nathan arizona says:

    The music writing and “random thoughts and digs” keep things lively. Don’t be such a sobersides, Bane. Maybe get out more. Even the Rev likes music and comments on those posts. I have no particular opinion about Mitch Crane.

  7. RE Vanella says:

    Even I like music

  8. nathan arizona says:

    Even you.

  9. Bane says:

    You’re entitled to your opinion Mr. Arizona. But as Jason eluded to, this isn’t the first time that he’s heard this critique so I know I’m not alone. It’s his site though, so he can take the input or leave it. I’m not emotionally involved. Just thought as a reader and commenter for more than a decade, I’d offer my 2 cents.

  10. Jason330 says:

    “This (insert noun) isn’t as good as it used to be.”

    Deep thoughts. You are very smart. Nothing is as good as it used to be. But I am feeling philosophical though so I’ll impute goodwill, and go on to comment on something I very rarely comment on – “Blogging in 2019”

    Like you, I’ve been at this for over ten years and in the past ten years lurkership and commentership has been cyclical but very stable overall. What does this tell us? I think it means that there is still an important a place for blogs, or “amateur political reporting”, let’s say, in the political landscape.

    If political information is like water flowing through various pipes, there seems to be a need for pipes that aren’t professional journalism or state-based information channels.

    This blog and others are places where we can keep an eye on the type of legislative malfeasance that sometimes goes on in plain sight and sometimes needs some digging. Blogs are still places conventional wisdom is vetted, they are venues for outsider campaigns to get some momentum, and places where other stories that are tough for the legit media to get started sometimes get their legs. Take Stonewall, for example. Is there a little spotlight on their fraudulence now that wouldn’t be there without me being pissed off about it? In all humility, I think so. If they endorse Ramone again it will be a story one way or another.

    So that job, and all those jobs come and go and sometimes we are good at them, and other times…meh.

    That’s just the nature of an amateur enterprise. “Real life” intrudes.

    If I won the lottery that unevenness would smooth out and this blog would be busting down doors and hiring tough investigative journalists. It would be a very sad day for the DEGOP, for out and out frauds, and for Democrats devoid of democratic values like Chris Coons, and Bethany Hall Long, I can assure you. Until then, it is what it is.

    • El Somnambulo says:

      Also, right now, the General Assembly is not in session. And political news is relatively sparse. We’ve reported, and commented on, what is happening. We’ve railed against what is not happening (primaries for some of the worst D offenders.) When stuff happens, we’ll report it and try to place it in context. Until then feel free to comment on whatever floats your boat.

  11. jason330 says:

    Bane – BTW, do you know what REALLY isn’t as good as it used to be? McDonalds French fries. Until 1990 they were cooked in tallow. OMG, they were awesome. Now they are cooked in a combination of canola oil, corn oil, soybean oil. Kids today have literally no awareness of what second rate crap they are eating.

  12. Bane says:

    Again, I come in peace. I’m not crapping on your product. Just letting you know how I’m feeling.

    And Jason it’s not just the fries. The Mcnugget is a shell of its former self.