A federal judge tossed weeks of Republican process arguments in the garbage, ruling that Congress has the right to see the redacted grand jury testimony from the Mueller investigation. Just a thought, but wouldn’t an innocent person want an investigation to clear his name?
Proof that Trump surrounds himself with the best people: Rudy Giuliani, for the second time in three weeks, butt-dialed an investigative reporter. Not to sound like a conspiracy theorist, but why does Rudy have this guy’s number so high on his call list that he butt-dials him twice?
How much financial trouble is the Trump Organization in? Must be more than we know, because word is the family is trying to sell the Washington D.C. hotel that foreigners rent ghost rooms in to funnel illicit cash to them.
Just in case you have nothing else to worry about, the Amazon rain forest could be just a few years from its tipping point, where the jungle is depleted enough that it no longer produces enough rainfall to stay rain forest and degenerates into savannah.
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