DL Open Thread: Sun., Oct. 27, 2019

Filed in Featured by on October 27, 2019

Carney Nominates Seitz To Be Supreme Court Chief Justice And Tamika Montgomery-Reeves As Associate Justice.  I can only hope that Seitz has the same sense of social justice as his fabled father.

AG: Wilmington City Council Can’t Stifle Dissenters.  Betcha they don’t pursue any prosecution of Dion Wilson for ‘harassment and disorderly conduct’ either.  If I worked in the AG’s office, I’d be looking closely at the actions of Hanifa Shabazz.

Feds Award Security Contract To Company Tied To Trump’s Brother.  Cue the parrot from Aladdin:

Ivanka Inherited The ‘Manipulate The Press’ Gene From The Donald.  Except she has added the ‘cry real tears’ card to her repertoire.

Biden Campaign Breaks Pledge: Will Now Accept Super PAC Money.  This is a complete reversal of his pledge from earlier this year, when he rejected support from such PACs. I hear the ‘I can’t control what others do on my behalf’ excuse coming out of his perfectly-aligned pearly-whites any second now. 

Islamic State Leader Apparently Dead. Trump To Claim Full Credit.  Not unlike Barack Obama who, of course, deserved no credit for the death of Bin Laden.

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. jason330 says:

    all due respect – I don’t think we need to do Fox News’ job for them. Trump and Obama are nothing alike.

    THE PRESIDENT (OBAMA): Good evening. Tonight, I can report to the American people and to the world that the United States has conducted an operation that killed Osama bin Laden, the leader of al Qaeda, and a terrorist who’s responsible for the murder of thousands of innocent men, women, and children.


    Over the last 10 years, thanks to the tireless and heroic work of our military and our counterterrorism professionals, we’ve made great strides in that effort. We’ve disrupted terrorist attacks and strengthened our homeland defense. In Afghanistan, we removed the Taliban government, which had given bin Laden and al Qaeda safe haven and support. And around the globe, we worked with our friends and allies to capture or kill scores of al Qaeda terrorists, including several who were a part of the 9/11 plot.

  2. Alby says:

    Am I supposed to give a fuck? Because I don’t. Islamic terrorists are far down the list of my concerns; domestic terrorists are far higher.

  3. Nancy Willing says:

    I was reading the comments on Eschaton this morning when I became aware of the announcement. Here’s a snippet for sharing:

    “There’s nothing forgivable about the crimes against humanity that Baghdadi committed. But his story is a reminder that *none of this* had to happen. Until the US invaded Iraq in 2003, Baghdadi was just a random guy living a quiet life in Iraqi suburbs.twitter.com/arlenparsa/sta

    Reminds me of the time that the Bush administration repeatedly announced the death of the second or third in command of Al Qaeda. It’s not as if someone was not going to be promoted into that spot. Same with ISIS, it’s got a new lease on life with the US retreating from Syria. Pre-empting Sunday morning TV to deflect from the perfidious betrayal of Kurdish allies and the impeachment news.

    We’re into the straight-up lying about the Iraq war portion of the program.

    Why not just steal the oil? I don’t know, maybe because it’s not ours?

    The sordid truth. Erdogan gave Dump Baghdadi as a consolation prize.

    Vicious, sadistic murder porn and gobbledygook. …….just said that nobody but him had predicted that Bin Laden would do something bad to somebody sometime. Apparently he missed that memo that the Bush administration ignored: “Bin Laden determined to attack the US with planes”

    I want al-Baghdadi and Hamza! I want them dead! 😆 Jesus Christ, this guy is sick. Oh, he also predicted 9/11.

    Five will get you ten the Moron in Chief just blurted out intelligence he wasn’t supposed to……That seems to be what I’m hearing on MSNBC, from reporters in the region, that it was a combination of stuff he should never have been saying and also probably complete fabrications and in any case utterly bizarre

    Hamza is in Supermax in Colorado. The FBI says #1 Most Wanted Terrorist is al Nasser, the Saudi.

    So I guess that Trump is trying to make sure he speaks for a longer time than Obama did upon announcing Osama’s assassination? Trump, of course, is revealing a lot of potentially sensitive intelligence information. IMHO, some of the people who fed him some of this intelligence (Russia, Syria, Turkey) want sources burnt (without their direct involvement noted), so they tell Trump, knowing he’ll blab about it and people will get killed. I.e. a lot of this intelligence is from Kurds and people sympathetic to the Kurds. By blabbing about all this intel, the locals in the region will find out which of their neighbors are a bit too close to “those Kurds” and kill them: so Syria and Turkey get some potentially troublesome folks killed without their fingerprints on those murders. At least now we know what Trump got in exchange for selling out the Kurds: help from Turkey, et al., to finish this operation to get al-Baghdadi.

    I heard a few seconds in which he claimed he was against invading Iraq and knew there were no WMDs and everyone else was wrong but he was right for many reasons… and that was all I could take. I wonder if any news organizations will immediately play clips of all the lies he’s told about 9/11 and Iraq, starting with the fact that he supported the invasion….”