Delaware Liberal

The world is on fire from climate change, Madinah Wilson-Anton wants it on the agenda

We’ve noted that our DC congressional delegation is totally AWOL on climate change. That’s a shame, but I guess the temperature is fine in the DC Bubble.

Out here where regular people live, we are fortunate we have people like Madinah Wilson-Anton pushing to get climate change on the agenda.

Here are some highlights, but read the whole thing to see how climate action complements and builds on Wilson-Anton‘s social and economic justice focus.

– 100% renewable energy by 2050

– Creating a Green Bank to fund clean energy infrastructure

– Funding programs that will bring community solar and house retrofitting to low-income and working-class communities

– Passing a Green Amendment to make clean air, clean water, and a healthy environment a right

– Strengthening the complete communities legislation to create more walkable, sustainable communities.

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