DL Open Thread: Sat., Nov. 2, 2019

Filed in Featured by on November 2, 2019

Bye, Bye, Beto.  Wonder if a run against Cornyn is in the offing. He says no, but a couple of weeks of reflection could change that.

Vindman Was Told To Keep The Call Quiet.  (A) I wanna hear from this Eisenberg guy. (B) I wanna know what other wacky Trump calls are hidden away in that top-secret vault. Especially the one(s) with Putin.

A Guided Tour Of The Trump Doral Shithole.  At least guests have direct access to multiple garbage dumps. That’s something. And, if they want to catch a plane, they can leap up from the pool deck and grab hold of the underside of pretty much whatever aircraft they choose.

Warren’s ‘Medicare For All’ Plan Looks Like A Winner.  Can’t wait for 4th-Place (in Iowa) Joe to marble-mouth his way through a critique of it. Insurance companies are writing it at this very moment.

Wine: The Canary In The Coal Mine For Climate Change?  Yes, but there are some positives, especially when it comes to sustainability.

‘Super-Rich’ Prepare To Leave UK If Corbyn Wins. I hear there’s a great resort in Florida just itching to host them.

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. bamboozer says:

    Beto’s gone and others no doubt to follow, this was inevitable and I’m surprised it took this long. I’m increasingly a fan of Warren, see her as mowing the rest down with time, especially the now hapless Joe Biden. As for the super rich leaving England I’m surprised there’s any left as most left decades ago as the Brits dared to tax them the way we should but probably will not.

    • As Biden fades, I’m concerned that the Corporate Dems will coalesce around Mayor Pete, who has made clear that he’s more than willing to be a centrist if that’s what they want.

  2. It’s depressing that Beto’s gone and, thanks to Hillary Clinton, Tulsi Gabbard is likely to be around for awhile.

    • bamboozer says:

      The determining factor will be money like usual, no money equals no campaign. Dare say the corporate powers that be will pump money into the campaigns of the remaining “centrists”, that’s nice, but the centrists are out of step with much of the parties base. At least this time around.

    • Alby says:

      Tulsi Gabbard was going to run a third-party campaign whether Hillary called her out or not. Don’t blame Hillary for telling the truth.