Delaware Liberal

Pelosi Promotes Democratic Party Discord – Favors a Fractured, Weakened Party Facing Trump

As you read this recall that Bernie Sanders beat Clinton in Michigan, winning in 73 of Michigan’s 83 counties. Also recall that Clinton went on to lose Michigan to Donald Trump.

WASHINGTON Nancy Pelosi is issuing a pointed message to Democrats running for president in 2020: Those liberal ideas that fire up the party’s base are a big loser when it comes to beating President Donald Trump.

Proposals pushed by Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders like Medicare for All and a wealth tax play well in liberal enclaves like her own district in San Francisco but won’t sell in the Midwestern states that sent Trump to the White House in 2016, she said.

“What works in San Francisco does not necessarily work in Michigan,” Pelosi said at a roundtable of Bloomberg News reporters and editors on Friday. “What works in Michigan works in San Francisco talking about workers’ rights and sharing prosperity.”
“Remember November,” she said. “You must win the Electoral College.

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